Third line of finnish keyboard layout
Third line should move to the left. For example: B is under the J. In real keyboard B is under G and H.
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Third line should move to the left. For example: B is under the J. In real keyboard B is under G and H.
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Asked: 2014-01-05 01:23:53 +0200
Seen: 203 times
Last updated: Jan 05 '14
Keyboard layouts possible to provide in Jolla store?
User accessible place for keyboard layouts
German keyboard layout lacks umlaut ß [answered]
Hungarian keyboard layout [answered]
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I was wondering why it is so awkward to write with the keyboard, but this explains it. Thanks for noticing.
late88 ( 2014-01-05 01:30:08 +0200 )editSorry, i missread your comment in earlier response, which I deleted. Upvoted.
Rauha ( 2014-01-05 01:35:59 +0200 )editI can confirm this for Sailfish keyboard also in English. It concerns both portrait and landscape modes (in landscape there is even more empty space under S!). Terminal's keyboard however shows B under H.
hana ( 2014-01-05 03:44:11 +0200 )edit