Alarm and timer design is not user friendly
In the old design the timer time was in the right corner where acceptance of the dialogue was presented.
In the current design the timer time is in the middle of the timer circle, a place where your finger will be when selecting hours/minutes, which covers a large part of the circle. This means when you select an alarm/timer time, you need to remove your finger/thumb, check the time and when it is not correct, select the correct hour/minutes again.
Agreed! The new position is bad. I line above the dial would also be acceptable, if you want to remove the ambiguity of the top right corner that changed appearance in previous versions.
Mohjive ( 2015-09-10 16:42:53 +0200 )editAs I see the reasons for the SFOS2 approach (more intuitive) I also see your point. I'd also like one line with the text above the dialler but I guess that could break some layouts as it's bigger then :(
Yo ( 2015-09-10 17:52:59 +0200 )editThis minor problem has reared it's head again, as per this post from user @Gulltoppr;
Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-26 20:01:02 +0200 )editI agree with this feature request and the suggestion to put the time right above the dial (centred) might be a good solution for it.
Gulltoppr ( 2020-04-26 20:37:33 +0200 )editAfter a little bit of fiddling/editing, I came up with this, incorporating the current time where the alarm/timer digits are normally.
Probably not to everyone's taste but it is only a suggestion;

Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-26 21:17:19 +0200 )edit