Configure Message Display in Mail app
As a Jolla User I want to be able to read all my mail in only plain text mode instead of HTML mode and want to be able to switch between those display modes in order to show HTML content only if really needed (e.g. Mail without plain text part).
Just found a maybe related question for sending/composing mails. See Sending HTML email.
naytsyrhc ( 2014-01-08 16:19:37 +0200 )editan option to (default) view only plain text part of emails is a must. ..the plain text could also be displayed in proper formatting (mainly speaking about font size) since currently html emails are displayed horribly (i do not know what is missing, maybe viewport = device width tag or similar...)
fl ( 2014-01-13 22:33:36 +0200 )editMaybe also see
naytsyrhc ( 2018-05-16 17:59:38 +0200 )edit