[bug] 2 sms lost

asked 2015-10-02 16:29:29 +0200

Jar gravatar image

updated 2015-10-02 18:18:47 +0200

I was sent 2 sms and I could not read neither.

First one I read partially through the notifications but did not open messaging. Later on I received another sms. Cover/lock-screen showed 2 new sms. I started the messaging application and to my surprize it showed neither of the new messages.

I went through a database search to see if there was anything to recover. I tried writing the sqlite3 result to a textfile but I got the error message: "There is not enough free space on filesystem". The filesystem contains 5 Gb of stuff and no big files had been moved around reccently.

I rebooted and queried the commhistory again. It did not have problem with space but neither it did show the lost messages. I am running and have not installed external repositories. Any ideas?

Edit: I found out more about the situation. The messages were standard sms-messages. The first one sent from Iphone and the second one from Nokia - standard consumer stuff, nothing special. I rebooted the phone and subsequent sms come through normally.

Edit 2: I had deleted a couple of Gb of video-data from the phones memory in between the messages using Nautilus-filemanager in Ubuntu. I might have disconncted the phone without safely removing. Guess that may have something to do with the warning about full disk.

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Well I think this comment is a little bit to late for you, but maybe helpfull for others.

There are also other people mentioning that they are unable to open the received SMS-messages: https://together.jolla.com/question/42083/bug-sms-lost/ .

But if you are mentioning that you got a full-disk-error, then you should check if you are experiencing the BTRFS issue: https://together.jolla.com/question/30822/root-and-home-disks-full-and-causing-various-problems/ (If yes you have to rebalance your filesystem on your Jolla Phone): :)

Alex ( 2016-02-11 14:55:45 +0200 )edit