[bug confirmed] Ambiences (Ambiances) are not fully respected
Hi there!
I know the new concept of ambiences being kind of modifiers of the current settings. I don't want to have a sound for incoming emails ever, so I have set the sound for emails to "no sound" in every ambience I use, just to be sure.
Despite that my phone sometimes does not respect that. I heard the standard email-sound in my normal ambience, even in my silent ambience some time. It does happen very seldom and it's not reproducible.
Any thoughts on this? Did anybody experience the same?
Noticed this yesturday, fine now. Jolla used sounds from my previosly active ambience.
GD ( 2015-10-04 16:01:28 +0200 )Do you choose to 'Set ambience' from the pulley menu after making your changes?
Spam Hunter ( 2015-10-04 18:19:48 +0200 )this happens also to me. i have set an ambience like the silent one, that hasn't all the option but the silent mode. but when something changes, i guess other set ot setting from my situation app (tutn dound on or something like that) it takes the sonds of the last set ambience even if i am still using the silent one. moslty i have the freedom ambience with the swan and get the ringtone from my keira black
Dragomir ( 2015-10-04 20:02:44 +0200 )I have experienced this too – I have set email action to "no sound" but I still sometimes hear the chime.
ssahla ( 2015-10-04 20:41:31 +0200 )By the way, does global settings override Ambience? I set a melody for alarm in global settings, and alarm clock plays it, though in active Ambience other sound is set for alarm.
kandelabra ( 2015-10-04 20:56:00 +0200 )