[poll] One of the most easy gestures is left free - What do we want there?
asked 2015-10-07 09:18:43 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
On the default Home view (top), flick down gesture was left free on Sailfish OS 1.1.9. This poll asks ideas on what do we want that gesture to do
On earlier versions this gesture opened the lock screen, which was part of the main UI. Update moved the lock screen as a top layer, currently accessible only from stage when the screen is shut down. Earlier action is added as one of the options, but there are many other possibilities too. The most voted options could advance as feature requests (if not already existing)
Options are added as comments, feel free to vote one or more of them or add your own idea to the list.
Edit: Options 3,4 and 6 dropped for having only 0-2 votes. Please click "see more comments" for the rest of the options
Option 1: Open lock screen
simo ( 2015-10-07 09:19:19 +0200 )editOption 2: Open a pulley menu with user selected actions
simo ( 2015-10-07 09:20:10 +0200 )editOption 5: Open global search and virtual keyboard (to look for apps, contacts, mails, bookmarks etc.)
simo ( 2015-10-07 09:22:29 +0200 )editOption 7: Drop down a quick settings menu, including quick switches, brightness bar & ring tone and media volume bars
simo ( 2015-10-07 09:25:40 +0200 )editOption 8: (super configurable) Implement all of these ideas and add a setting for user to select which it would be
simo ( 2015-10-07 09:28:38 +0200 )edit