Tablet: Connecting to a wifi network on 13 or 14 channel
I dont seem to find a way to connect to my wifi network which is hidden on the tablet. So I just shared my 3g from Jolla phone over wifi for now to get online. The same network is usable and I have added it earlier to my Jolla phone and my work laptop.
As comments state its a wifi channel problem that comes from regulatory orders for world wide distribution of tablets. Suggest we need a way to change the regulatory area easily or even automatically.
On which channel is your wifi on?
tigeli ( 2015-10-10 01:23:12 +0200 )editIf I remember correctly I set it up as so that it can pick it automatically. And its an old B/G 56mbit router. Dont think this matters though.
miqu ( 2015-10-10 02:21:20 +0200 )editIt does matter as the tablet currently defaults to channels available on the US. Meaning that the channels 12 and 13 are not available to be used by default.
tigeli ( 2015-10-10 02:24:31 +0200 )editI'm also having trouble connecting to my home wifi. Can find it, but the neighbours networks fine. Mine is not hidden btw.
esmBOS ( 2015-10-10 08:22:59 +0200 )editI use channel 13 here in the UK. Not being able to use that would make it useless for me. It should surely ask your location on initial start, or be reset-able.
DaveRo ( 2015-10-10 09:54:30 +0200 )edit