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Lack / delay in communication

asked 2015-10-13 03:54:57 +0200

simo gravatar image

Currently, on every channel I've been following, there seems to be a black hole regarding communicating back to customers/investors.

On Facebook, for example a question like this should not be left unnotified for such a long time

On Twitter, Sailors on board have been active retweeting happy tablet receivers tweets, but pretty silent on questions to JollaHQ. It almost seems like there's an order from above to retweet/take part only into positive tweets

On Jolla Blog, tens of different kind of questions by both investors and customers have been left unnotified. The current comment threads might already be bad for the PR. I'd consider removing the whole commenting system, if this is how it works (guiding readers to post their questions via other desired channels)

On TJC, few Sailors are still taking part into discussions, but in overall I feel that the customer community is more and more left to discuss among each other. I've even considered dropping out of contributing here, as this is not what I joined or wanted to be part of.

Openness does not mean having zendesk tickets as the only communication channel, but the recent signs are pointing towards that. Can we expect a recovery / improvement on each channel in use, or some fresh information and guidance how Jolla wants to communicate together with their customer community?

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I really want Jolla and Sailfish to survive, but with the bad communication the community has torn itself apart. I know a great way to boost the community is open sourcing some of the closed code. (I don't see that happening anytime soon) They can't fix the tablet issue this late but the code will bring in more people regardless

Axion ( 2015-10-13 04:28:15 +0200 )edit

@Axion - +100. Yes, that will definitely offer some solace for all the delays / bad communication.

anandrkris ( 2015-10-13 07:16:36 +0200 )edit

the poor content of the blog has created a hughe mess. the good point is that its highlighting the true pasdion of supporters. Thr bedt way to quiet everybody should be to maintain into the jolla account a detailed follow up of the production and the delivery of the tablets. The automotive manufacturer do it pretty well and manage customer expectency. When the crisis in between customer and company are so bad, only pure transparency can improve the situation. Jolla has the best mobile software, they need now to prefessionalise the production for their hardware. Thr hatdware branch is.not yet sold.;)

totor ( 2015-10-13 09:30:45 +0200 )edit

Considering that :

Yes, I'm pretty worried about Jolla :( Not being able to retain important people and the lack of communication doesn't really help to trust the company.

But I still have faith in Jolla. I hope it's just one of those transition period that will end shortly :)

On TJC, few Sailors are still taking part into discussions, but in overall I feel that the customer community is more and more left to discuss among each other. I've even considered dropping out of contributing here, as this is not what I joined or wanted to be part of.

I quitted a few months ago. And it's been quite a relief to finally accept that we won't get answers and stop hoping. Really. It also saves time.

François ( 2015-10-13 12:11:34 +0200 )edit

And zendesk is also going nowhere, it seems :



Kollin ( 2015-10-13 13:17:12 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-10-13 16:24:26 +0200

cybette gravatar image

Here's a post answering some of the questions for now.

I apologize for the seemingly lack of communication. There is not many people (mainly I) working most of the channels. TJC has more support from other sailors (especially engineers), but SoMe is just me, and on top of that I have several other responsibilities. So the FAQ post was one of my proposals to gather the questions we get asked a lot in the blog + TJC + 10 SoMe channels and answer them together. I will continue to do that, as it's my job to get the community's voice heard, and we are hearing you even if we don't have the resources to answer and comment to everything.

Thanks for continuing to support us.

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Apologize accepted, I really didn't know you were (about) the only one there (even that I've suspected that sometimes). Now who will cover if our Bunny is ill for few weeks? Anyway, sincere thanks for your reply already during the same day, and I'm happy to mark it as accepted. Be well!

simo ( 2015-10-13 16:46:07 +0200 )edit

Hi Carol, I don't think that anyone with any goodwill should expect you to answer every question on the blog by yourself! My opinion (for what it's worth) is that more frequent, smaller news items are what is needed, almost like mini status reports. Even if it seems from your end like there is nothing new to announce, I think that when expectations have been raised that something is going to be happening soon it is particularly important to keep some sort of news/information flow going. With the benefit of hindsight, the official blog doesn't work well for that: its style is suited to longer articles (which presumably need a certain level of polish and review, so take more time and effort to prepare).

pakman ( 2015-10-13 19:22:10 +0200 )edit

Hm. Even though that explains the lack of communication, it doesn't make the problem any better from a customer's point of view. Let's face it: Jolla needs the community to keep SFOS running. (That's what #peoplepowered was supposed to be about, right?) IMO a company cannot just manage a community of that size + the funding crowd + whatever else with only one person (no matter how eager) in part-time. It obviously does not work: the impressive Jolla community momentum I have experienced during the last two years seems to suffer from that, especially during the last 6 months. That said, @cybette that's definitely not your fault. Thanks for your commitment and dedication. Considering the circumstances, you are doing a great job!

tokaru ( 2015-10-13 19:28:33 +0200 )edit

I hope after this tablet charade and structural changes in the company you can laser focus your efforts in the correct things. Until then, you need to focus resources on small status updates. After so long wait the patience is running out so we need to hear from you every step of the way. Community is your best weapon so don't neglect that, I'm sure you're aware of that.

Toxip ( 2015-11-10 16:03:39 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-10-13 03:54:57 +0200

Seen: 675 times

Last updated: Oct 13 '15