Missing calendars and ambiences?
Since the upgrade to v2.0 I do not have any calendars or ambiences. Even though calendars are listed correctly when I add a CALDAV resource, none of them show up in the 'manage calendars' overview. The built-in calendars are also empty, and birthdays from the address book do not show up.
This means that I cannot add an event, as the 'save' button is greyed.
I also do not have any ambiences, the ambiences entry in the top level of Gallery is empty.
I meanwhile found out that the ambiences involved a rights issue.
The owner of /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Ambienced needed to be changed from nemo to root. The Ambiences control seems to have moved from the Gallery menu (where it was before) to the settings. I now get a choice of ambiences with the top swipe and I can also see them in the top level of the settings. Happy happy! Now to solve the missing calendars!
Michiel L ( 2015-10-13 12:58:15 +0200 )editIt is likely also related to rights, if the output of journalctl is to be believed. Is there a place where to find the correct ownership of the various files?
Michiel L ( 2015-10-13 13:50:13 +0200 )editOn my phone the permissions for /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Calendar/mkcal/ files are
and the directory is
thesix ( 2015-10-13 17:33:09 +0200 )edit