HERE WeGo maps on SD-card [answered]
Since the Here maps demand a substantial amount of space, I suggest adding the possibility of storing the offline maps on an SD-card.
Since the Here maps demand a substantial amount of space, I suggest adding the possibility of storing the offline maps on an SD-card.
Do I understand right that nobody has a solution to this problem?
cp -Rp /home/nemo/android_storage/Android/data/ /media/sdcard/<uuid>/
rm -R /home/nemo/android_storage/Android/data/*
su-devel mount --bind /media/sdcard/<uuid>/ /home/nemo/android_storage/Android/data/
The above works for me, but is not a nice workaround, because it needs root privileges and is lost after a reboot. I hope some one better skilled could come up with a nicer solution.
stateoftheart ( 2017-07-09 20:06:52 +0200 )editI added this line to /usr/sbin/ (showing the line before and after so that you can see where I added it):
test -d $MNT/${UUID} && touch $MNT/${UUID}
mount --bind $MNT/${UUID}/ /home/nemo/android_storage/Android/data/
systemd-cat -t mount-sd /bin/echo "Finished ${ACTION}ing ${DEVNAME} of type ${TYPE} at $MNT/${UUID}"
That seems to work and keeps the link after reboot as it does the mount as soon as the sd card is mounted. Note the file needs to be edited as root. Also, added an unmount line:
umount /home/nemo/android_storage/Android/data/
umount $DIR || umount -l $DIR
anig (
2017-07-14 08:38:09 +0200
)edit@stateoftheart: your solution works fine for me, thx! @ceasium: adding the your line to /etc/fstab doesn't seem to mount the directory; it remains empty ... Anyway thx for working this out so far, ciao.
mrtrm ( 2017-08-02 01:51:42 +0200 )editMeanwhile a couple of native SailfishOS apps for putting offline maps on the SD-card were created and run well:
Note that using the same map data for OSM Scout Server and OSM Scout is possible (e.g. on the SD-card), but involves creating a symbolic / "soft" link ("symlink") , again.
See [Guide] Externalising android_storage and other directories / files to SD-card for a proper solution.
OK, got it:
ln -s /media/sdcard/uuid/.here /opt/alien/data/media/Android/data/
(after having moved the original to sdcard)
just a hint
chemist ( 2015-10-25 22:19:23 +0200 )edit@chemist Right, I was thinking about the native maps powered by Here.
Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2015-10-26 10:38:36 +0200 )editAsked: 2015-10-23 23:19:14 +0200
Seen: 9,728 times
Last updated: Apr 11 '19
Can't you do that already? Move and symlink should do the job.
(Caveat: not tested, I do not use Here.)
pichlo ( 2015-10-23 23:43:19 +0200 )editThis is beyond me. Can you give me directions to a detailed instruction?
ThGut ( 2015-10-24 00:28:14 +0200 )editSadly I don't see why there would be need for anyone to learn how to tinker with developer mode and terminal application, that's what @pichlo is offering (f not, then I was wrong:)
Well ok, the phone's supposed to be as open as possible, sort of a wet dream for everyone who likes to have the freedom to tinker around, but then there's the "normal" users who really shouldn't be pressed to use things that they're not familiar with because thing like this hasn't been thought out beforehand by the app or phone creators.
In my opinion @ThGut has made a legit suggestion and also initially wasn't asking how he/she could make it happen.
Asmodeus ( 2015-10-24 14:50:57 +0200 )editYes, what I suggested requires dev mode and some understanding what you are doing. No, I am not saying the OP's request is a bad one, quite the opposite. All I did was offer a workaround for a missing feature.
@ThGut, sorry I cannot give you exact steps because I would need to know where the files are stored by default and if they are indexed by tracker (i.e., do they show up in Gallery?), and that would require me to install Android Support and Here. Sorry, I was trying to help but did not help much.
pichlo ( 2015-10-24 15:44:53 +0200 )editI've tried this once, basically: ln -s /media/sdcard/uuid/here /home/nemo/android_storage/Android/data/
Problem is you get "Function not implemented". Probably due to android_storage being a FUSE mount.
Have not had time to investigate this in depth, but first I need to have a clear picture of the filesystem, and I haven't had time yet.
reinob ( 2015-10-25 21:25:51 +0200 )edit