meerun crash

asked 2015-11-01 16:30:48 +0200

2Ti gravatar image

updated 2015-11-01 16:42:06 +0200

Do people using meerun have problems with it. I never used to before the update to 1.1.9 but since then it crashes after tracking about 20km to 25km. I use it when I'm cycling and normally anything under 25km is fine but after that it crashes.

Anyone experience similar issues. I've got about 30 odd workouts tracked and synchronised so far. The phone is always in my back pocket and gets a little warm/wet as a result - this has never been a problem before, only after the update to 1.1.9. There's several gigabytes of internal storage space free.

Does anyone know how to go about debugging the issue. System logs or something similar. I'm fine using the command line, if you tell me what to look for.


stupid me, I was running 2.3.4 and not the latest 2.4.4. - maybe this will be fixed by a simple update from

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I don't have problems with crashes but I don't do that long workouts.

You can get Meerun own logs by creating meerun-log.txt in documents directory. But I don't know will it tell anything useful.

HarhaanJohtaja ( 2015-11-01 16:43:03 +0200 )edit

Thanks for the log tip, I'll try that in case updating the app doesn't fix the issue.

2Ti ( 2015-11-01 16:44:09 +0200 )edit