Calendar not synchronizing
asked 2015-11-07 11:42:05 +0200

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After updating to all data fom my Jolla calendar disappeared and it refuses to synch with my Google calendar. New events that I add to the Jolla calendar are swallowed by a black hole.
I've right now noticed the same on (or whatever was the version before with OpenExchange server. I guess all the 1.1.9 series has problems with it. I'm triing to upgrade to hoping for a fix...
gfwp ( 2015-11-08 11:14:11 +0200 )editSounds similar as in this thread:
werdinand ( 2015-11-08 23:20:15 +0200 )editI would like to add that even if the calendar is not synchronizing it alerts me of upcoming calendar events 24 hours in advance. The Jolla refuses to stop alerting me even when I touch the dismiss command. I tried to silence the calendar alerts and various other noisy alerts in the system page, but Jolla does not keep these settings. I switched over to my old and reliable Nokia N8.
Lassijuhani ( 2015-11-10 20:05:24 +0200 )editSame here, although calendar entries from Google Calendar get imported to Jolla, things I enter on the phone don't end up in my Google Calendar. Has never worked afaik.
MarkK ( 2015-11-23 10:19:12 +0200 )editI reseted my Jolla and updated Sailfish from the start in several steps. Now everything is working without any hitches.
Lassijuhani ( 2015-11-28 12:56:28 +0200 )edit