Emergency crowdfunding [not relevant]
asked 2015-11-19 22:53:39 +0200

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With Jolla having a financial crisis how could we as a community help them survive. Here are a couple of suggestions on how we could help Jolla.
Bitcoin crowdfunding with multisig wallet
First we setup a multi signature bitcoin wallet with 3 different keys. In order to withdraw funds from the wallet, it would require at least 2 out of 3 keys to validate the transaction. 2 out of 3 keys would belong to key members of the community and 1 to a Jolla employee. If we can't get a hold of a Jolla employee willing to participate in this, the 3rd key would be given to another member of the community.
With this setup we would be able to gather funds without having to put trust to just one person so no one would be able to steal the money for selfish purposes. Majority of the keys would be held in the hands of the community so if something goes wrong with Jolla, money could still be returned back to the donators. People willing to donate other cryptocurrencies like dogecoin would be able to do so easily through https://shapeshift.io
Members of the community participating in this could be decided by vote here on Jolla together. How does this sound? For more information on the multisig bitcoin wallet creation process, visit https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Multisignature.
Invesdor crowdfunding platform
Invesdor is a crowdfunding platform that operates on a different model than the reward based kickstarter and indiegogo. Instead of giving out rewards to the backers, invesdor is equity-based. This means backers become share holders instead. This is in many ways a lot better than reward based since it gives the backers something real and not just some vague promise of getting something in the future. It is also one of the crowdfunding platforms if not the only one that is operating in Finland despite the strict fundraising laws. This would probably be better alternative to kickstarter or indiegogo since you'd get shares instead of a reward. Many people may be reluctant on donating more money for the company when they haven't delivered the Jolla tablets yet. Investments are accepted from all over the world. For more information visit https://www.invesdor.com/.
Using either of these reward-based crowdfunding platform, Jolla could organize a new crowdfunding round. As to what kind of rewards they could offer I don't have any ideas for.
Did I miss a meeting? Did Jolla become Open Source Project based on donations? No? Then why the hell should I throw money for free to a company?
muppeth ( 2015-11-20 03:00:32 +0200 )editI would definetly help and invest.
ralfB ( 2015-11-20 07:47:20 +0200 )editDon’t get me wrong. I like my Jolla, I appreciate your urge to help, but do you really think it’s a realistic approach? Without knowing any Jolla internals and without being an evonomist let me do a simple calculation. Jolla has >100 employees. Let’s assume around one third a needed just to let the company survive. As FInland is a high wage high taxes country the medium salary will more than 3k€ / per month - so wages alone will be >100k€ a month. Plus other costs (infrastructure, licenses, costs for warranty repairs,…) total costs will amount to, lets say >150k€ per month. I would guess that the real financial need is much much higher than that, but even with this conservative assumption:
- I doubt that the community can raise such large amounts of money (without any „real“ benefits) even for a few months.
- With fewer developers development will be even slower and become more and more unattractive for hardware manufacturers.
- How long would the community financing model work? What happens after that? As I said, I have no idea abot Jolla internals, but on the short run (lets say the next six months) I don’t see a way to set up a sustainable business model
LameDuck ( 2015-11-20 10:25:37 +0200 )editMaking investments without benefit is something everyone will do now? I do not think so. Unless the developement and progress is assured, it is dead money. Why keep it alive for another 6 months, when Your phone soon will be unsupported.
Macilaci457 ( 2015-11-20 10:53:14 +0200 )editi'm not sure our little community is big enough to sustain jolla for any significant length of time, they need that proper investment round to go ahead.
r0kk3rz ( 2015-11-20 11:42:17 +0200 )edit