2014-03-09 12:23:33 +0200
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Real APK Leecher
Desktop application. HowTo on Jolla.
- Runs on your own computer
- Doesn't run on your mobile; you'd need to transfer files to Jolla manually
- On Linux-desktop, the check-for-updates feature seems broken
- Still a trust-issue, but at least it is more verifiable.
APK Downloader
Android app. Download from 1mobile. No account required for 1mobile. For a way of getting and registering a device ID, see the howto for Real APK Leecher. Also, the Google Play Downloader can generate and register a device-id.
Due to a possible bug on Jolla, an (easy) fix is needed to be able to download things using Android apps.
- Runs on-device, no other tools needed.
- Made for non-google Android devices like Kindle
- Trust: are we sure your account details are safe with this app?
- Versions later than 1.06 show ads. 1Mobile for now lists v1.06.
Ask for non-play-store availability
Ask the publisher to make their app available on their own website, or at least on alternative stores. Downloading from 1mobile doesn't need a registration (for now..) so that seems to be a good place to start.
- Perhaps most trustworthy solution
- Relative straightforward, for you, the user
- Fighting with every publisher of every app you want can become... tedious.
- Low chance of success
Make a Sailfish App
There is open source code for the Google Market API available. Apparently Real APK Leecher is based on this. It could be a starting point for a native Jolla app.
Yes, this service is good. Actually it's so good it went almost down after amount of Jolla users increased ... at least timing was kinda perfect ... before Jolla, no issues, after Jolla, service become very busy and flooded...
Simakuutio ( 2014-01-09 00:21:20 +0200 )Those services aren't very trustworthy. First, I got a (bogus, browser based) message that I had a virus on my device. That shows me they're not using decent advertising... Worse: when downloading, they can inject all kinds of evil in the apk, without you knowing.
Fuzzillogic ( 2014-03-09 11:56:54 +0200 )They have mirrored the Play Store and that way, they can change any package. That is why some (mostly new) packages aren't available (yet).
Xmasjos ( 2017-07-19 23:08:28 +0200 )