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Issue #1: Jolla Survival Plan (failure is not an option) [released 2015-12-18] [released]

asked 2015-11-27 23:39:20 +0200

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updated 2016-01-30 16:15:13 +0200

StaticNoiseLog gravatar image

[UPDATE 2016-01-30] Tablet Solution
Jolla has presented their answer for the TabletGate. Case closed. In my opinion, the answer "accept community made patches upstream" is now the best idea for securing a successful future for Jolla.
[UPDATE 2015-12-18] Jolla is back in business!
Congratulations! The correct answer has obviously been to be successful in negotiations and to cut costs. But as the author of this post I will take the freedom to accept answers as I see appropriate from now on. There have been some very good suggestions here and Jolla management would be wise to study them in detail.
But for the moment, let us celebrate that this bug has been fixed :-)

If you agree that Jolla and Sailfish OS must live on, please vote this up!

Help making this the top issue to send out a clear message that we do not want the Jolla ship to go down without a fight. (Show a great heart and give your vote even if you do not like everything that follows. BTW, this is a community wiki, your votes do not increase my karma.)

Contribute your ideas what Jolla should do now as answers (how to raise money, what business strategies to pursue, what mistakes to correct, etc.). One idea only per answer. Do not duplicate existing answers, vote for them. Use comments (not answers) for discussions and criticism.

Interesting background information:

[UPDATE 2015-12-15] Rowing the boat frantically: It looks positive, and a solution is possible already in the next few days. Sailfish OS 2.0.1, is coming up soon.

Jolla is now fighting for its survival. The key thing in this fight is that we succeed in our December financing round. If we do so, also the Tablet project can be resolved.

I believe that through this program Jolla can turn its business to be profitable in the future.

As a Jolla employee -who is still an employee- despite the layoff notice, I can tell you that there is still hope in the company surviving.

Jolla is hopeful that it can raise additional funding in December.

[UPDATE 2015-11-30, some valid points to consider] Issue #2: Why Jolla deserved to fail (opinion)https://together.jolla.com/question/123511/issue-2-why-jolla-deserved-to-fail-opinion/

Nokia rumored to bring out a new smartphone with Android and Windows:
How about Sailfish as a 3rd option?

Nokia Launches $16.6 Billion Offer for Alcatel-Lucent
Nokia seems to have money to spend. It would be nothing but fair if they would correct their mistake and help out Jolla now!

Why you should vote for this issue:

Jolla disappearing from the surface of earth is the most serious possible bug, isn't it? So this issue rightfully deserves more votes than even the notorious "Downloadable map-data and offline turn by turn navigation in Maps".

Look around and understand that there is NO shortage of money on this planet. It just happens that a lot of money flows to stupid or outright destructive purposes. Random examples:

The list is endless and you can certainly agree with me that the money invested in Jolla has produced much better results than many other "investments". Well, maybe except for the first point in the list... Messi is cool :-)

We really had enough bullshit on this planet and it is about time something good happened. Jolla surviving would be a nice start.
In our minds, let us all disagree with the gloom and doom for Jolla and instead envision a bright future where a user-friendly and mature Sailfish OS will give Google and Apple a run for their money and make Microsoft turn green with envy. The biggest battles are fought on a mental level. May the force be with Jolla :-)

Why am I writing this?

This week I happened to wear my Jolla T-shirt ("I am the first one") that I got for placing an early order.
I felt nostalgic and remembered how hopeful I was for this device, how much I enjoyed each update and how I grew to like this phone with all the faults it surely still has.
I remembered the many hours wasted away for rooting my Android devices just so I could use them reasonably. And I shuddered at the thought of having to return to this tedious route.
I remembered how much I read and learned about Windows Phone, iOs, Ubuntu phone, Firefox OS, Bada, Plasma Mobile, Tizen and BlackBerry OS 10.
All of these operating systems have serious drawbacks and even with its current weaknesses Saifish OS always came out on top as the best OS for my personal requirements.
So I decided that Jolla and Sailfish OS have to survive. And I hope you agree with me.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "released in a software update" by nthn
close date 2017-03-06 12:44:07.959738



That's the spirit! :) I'm happy to see this post. At least something cheerful! :)

Venemo ( 2015-11-28 11:40:02 +0200 )edit

+1 Let's vote it up +2000!

lakutalo ( 2015-11-28 12:48:10 +0200 )edit

Voted already, Jolla disappearing is definitely not an option, alot of people love the phone am using, how sad would it be if the phone goes out of the market

DameCENO ( 2015-11-28 15:33:29 +0200 )edit

Thank you for the commitment. I think this is the perfect answer on the current developments.

cma ( 2015-11-28 17:09:04 +0200 )edit

Nokia buying Jolla is my biggest dream at the moment. Because Sailfish is the only one for me and that with Nokias hardware would be supercool.

MJolla ( 2015-11-30 21:24:38 +0200 )edit

48 Answers

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answered 2015-11-28 09:09:11 +0200

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updated 2015-11-28 11:20:57 +0200

ausgeregelt gravatar image

try to get money from eu: the company i work in runs multiple projects that are partly ( 25%) payed by eu. prototypes,new product features ... i talk here about eu money for research and development. so mobile operating system from europe should be on eu agenda

this is a duplicate. vote further up.please

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answered 2015-11-28 00:03:08 +0200

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updated 2015-11-28 00:19:05 +0200

StaticNoiseLog gravatar image

Jolla management action:

Try a "Save the Tablets" crowdfunding. Make sure the goal is high enough to be able to ship all tablets that have been ordered already plus the new ones.

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Actually I woudln't pay just for Saving! @Jolla: IF you make such a campaign then please set a SFOS dev goal, lets say as kind of extension to the actual SFOS for the tablet!

M.Bln. ( 2015-11-28 20:51:42 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-12-03 00:52:02 +0200

ALH gravatar image

updated 2015-12-03 00:57:28 +0200

Offer services! Email, groupware, Jabber etc. Yes, there is plenty of it, but only a few are focused on privacy and security. You have all you need for it is already in your client aka SFOS, so the base is there. Everything else are some servers, a little know how and I am sure you have some people who knows how to set it up. If you don't have the resources, find someone who does. Create something like a franchise, others running it on your conditions and give you a part of the money. Like on SFOS give the users a vote, ask them what they want. At least I would be happy to pay 20€/month for communications if I knew my stuff is not searched, tapped into, categorized and sold. Sell it for less (like 5€/month) and it would still be profitable. This idea can be extended nearly indefinitely. Offer users the choice in what jurisdiction their data is stored. Add encryption everywhere. Offer VPNs to lock out eavesdropping telcos.

I myself are running a little service for my friends and me and SFOS works pretty well with Kolab. It took me some hours to set up and now we are having everything an average Google- or Apple-user has, but with privacy. By the way, I am sure some Android-users also would like to have this. Their money is as good as the money of SFOS-users and there are independent Android-projects out there missing such services. They are more than happy to replace the Google services with an alternative. No matter if they are running an "enemy OS", their hearts are in the right place and we could team up.

FYI: I am also open to another crowdfunding round or other ways to support SFOS, no matter what mistakes was made. An alternative mobile OS is needed more than ever!

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I could pay 2€/3€ by month for a groupware service agenda/contacts and maybe email too.

dglent ( 2015-12-03 06:41:36 +0200 )edit

or (because this would be a big thing) cooperate with companies that you (jolla) think are trustworthy and include their services.

misc11 ( 2015-12-03 08:35:05 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-12-03 14:45:49 +0200

StaticNoiseLog gravatar image

Jolla management action:

Get back to basics and respect the upvoted issues on this site as your primary guideline on where to invest resources. I cannot remember having seen an issue here with many votes that asked for a "general GUI redesign" or "a tablet with Sailfish OS" (except after you collected the money for one and failed to deliver). Instead I have seen a lot of issues that did not get solved, but would have made Sailfish OS much more usable.

Jolla should understand that their customers are NOT mainstream. Accommodate this niche first and accommodate it well. I liked it very much that Sailfish development seemed to respect agile principles and that this site was basically the product backlog. But somewhere along the way it seems that "dictatorial" opinions were given more respect than the community votes. And trouble ensued. Time to correct this.

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this +1!

2 more characters

shfit ( 2015-12-03 15:41:19 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-11-29 12:17:47 +0200

cocovina gravatar image

Survival plan? May be we should saying "Long-Term Survival plan".

Just focus every your rest of resources to let us see the SFOS on any mobile device(s) which people buying (I mean popular devices of popular brands).

Concrete ways are discussed there many times (two basic steps):

  1. Polish the SailFish - let the community help (listen their voices) and include popular patches into official build.
  2. License the SFOS for other device. Optionaly with paid Android support licence.
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Exactly! Keep the focus on making SFIS bettet and available.

abanai ( 2015-11-29 12:44:52 +0200 )edit

Yes! Include phone number recognistion to calendar, and any other useful stuff. Squeeze bugs, too, please (keyboard in browser..hahah)

danfin ( 2015-11-29 12:56:40 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-11-30 13:54:46 +0200

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updated 2015-12-05 13:38:14 +0200

lakutalo gravatar image

Jolla developers action

Please provide comprehensive documentation

Don't get me wrong. I do know how annoying it is to write technical documentation. Still many additional enhancements could be provided by community, if it was easier to find out how. Time is a scarce good, especially if you're contributing for free. Hence to allow community to improve system and user experience, also to eliminate bugs, it should be made as easy as possible for them to accomplish this job for the good of all.

To name a few:

(Feel free to extend this list with other missing items.)

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answered 2015-12-02 13:50:48 +0200

dante_j gravatar image

With many successful Linux distributions there is the symbiotic relationship between a 'community' edition which becomes the foundation for at least one 'commercial' edition, which then generates revenue and reinvests back into the community version. For example:

  • Fedora (community)
    • RedHat Enterprise Linux (commercial)


  • Debian (community)
    • Ubuntu (commercial)

This would provide an avenue for more community involvement being requested while also giving Jolla control over the UI direction and 'polish'. The community version of Sailfish OS should be more install-ready than Mer and Jolla Sailfish OS would remain pitched at non-technical users and "just works".

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That would be lovely. There would be much more apps develloped i gues. You could aim to include them in a propper way to SFOS.

Linus Kasch ( 2015-12-04 13:02:43 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-11-28 08:14:56 +0200

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updated 2015-11-28 08:45:47 +0200

StaticNoiseLog gravatar image

Jolla management action:

Establish a patron program to make shipping of all tablets possible.

  1. Calculate how much money more is needed per ordered tablet and publish that number.
  2. Let people buy a patronship for one (or more) tablet(s).
  3. For recognition you write the name of the patron on the box of a tablet before shipping (if the patron likes this) and you send a hand signed thank-you letter to the patron. Plus the lifetime right to drop in at the Jolla headquarters for a coffee :-)

To clarify: A patron does NOT buy a tablet and he does not receive a tablet (unless he has ordered one officially anyway). The patron just makes it possible for a fellow sailor to get his tablet. For example, if it takes 100.- Euro more per tablet to get them all out of the door I would certainly be willing to pay that sum so that somebody else can get his tablet.

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the lifetime right to drop in at the Jolla headquarters for a coffee - it might be worth it, just for this :)

Venemo ( 2015-11-28 11:37:13 +0200 )edit

I think the thank you s in the first ones was a great touch!

tortoisedoc ( 2015-11-28 12:35:27 +0200 )edit

Some of us who backed TOHKBDs got a voucher to buy the phone at a discount. I'm happy to give that saving back to let someone else get their tablet.

tehhel ( 2015-12-05 15:50:20 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-11-28 15:11:05 +0200

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updated 2015-11-29 22:25:08 +0200

StaticNoiseLog gravatar image

Jolla management action:

Figure out a way to accept tax-deductible donations and tell us how to donate.
Might open a few doors for people who have to balance their accounts for the end of year.

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answered 2015-11-28 21:30:12 +0200

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updated 2015-11-28 21:56:55 +0200

jobe-m gravatar image

Port Sailfish to a an easily available nice tablet or phone to gain geek recognition and regain good will.

Lets imagine Sailfish was installable like a custom android rom to widely available android tablet:

  1. Tablet funders get something for their money.
  2. New Sailfish running device becomes effectively available everywhere at reasonable price, with no costs, risks or red tape get through for Jolla (other than work to do the porting).
  3. Geeks everywhere can have a Sailfish device and some of them start developing apps for it, creating a start of a viable ecosystem.
  4. A bunch nerds being able to run Sailfish on an Android device isn't a threat to Jolla's hardware partners' sales, so they shouldn't care.
  5. ?
  6. Profit.
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This is a very interesting idea. Could it be possible to install Sailfish practically to any phone or tablet? Many phones get dumped after their native OS is upgraded enough that the original HW becomes sluggish. With Sailfish you would get smooth operation and the ability to run Android apps. This is of course the last resort, I would really want to buy a device that natively supports Sailfish as my next phone, just to show there is a demand for an alternative OS.

Murtsi ( 2015-12-01 09:03:44 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2015-11-27 23:39:20 +0200

Seen: 31,209 times

Last updated: Jan 30 '16