Camera settings divided into "Basic" and "Advanced"
asked 2014-01-09 14:29:37 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
This idea is about dividing the camera app settings into two main sections: "Basic" and "Advanced" user mode. These modes could be switched to one and another depending on users own preference. These modes could be accessible for example via settings/applications/camera.
"Basic" option mode would be intended for "ordinary" users looking to get good pictures fast and easy without too much hazzle. Meanwhile "Advanced" option would provide much larger freedom to select and customize settings and menu layout accordingly to your own preferences. Select the settings what you like to use and only those will be viewed in camera app. If you are missing features, you could always add or remove features on your liking from settings.
When more features will be added, this splitting into "Basic and "Advanced" would simplify the layout and help use the camera app the way users want.
For that matter which features are enabled for basic users and advanced users could be decided for example by voting and selecting the popular features that are requested by users/devs. Feedback from Jolla devs could be also much appreciated whether they support and like the idea.
I will make two answer boxes below stated "Basic" and "Advanced" where one can propose feature suggestions or settings under each box using comments (wiki posts so no karma rewards).
All feature proposals released in this issue are purely intended to gather info on that which camera features are requested by users and whether it is preferred as "Basic" or "Advanced" feature.
If you have already made suggestions regarding camera features on my earlier posts you can move suggestions here to your favourite box as comments whether you regard this feature to be set in "Basic" or Advanced".
But as stated below if you want these features to have a better chance to get "official approval", make a separate issue for it and before doing so, make sure to check someone has not already made same feature suggestion to avoid unneccessary duplicates.
Update: There is a poll regarding the usability of camera where you can vote for that how the camera app could be improved in future (This "Basic" and "Advanced" option is also available for voting). Link to poll here:
True! Basic: Automatic scene modes, focus modes, metering modes, flash modes, burst modes, camera spirit level, effects
Advanced: Exposure compensation, ISO, focus modes, metering modes, flash modes, view grid & golden section, exposure bracketing, focus bracketing, burst modes (1, 3, infinite)
Macilaci457 ( 2014-01-10 08:36:15 +0200 )editA checkbox selection on what camera settings you want on the screen would be the best! You could hide what You do not need.
Macilaci457 ( 2014-01-10 08:37:49 +0200 )editI just did @TimTTK
Macilaci457 ( 2014-01-11 16:48:17 +0200 )editI made a proposal concerning the splitting 'Basic' / 'Advanced' here
corneliusg ( 2014-01-16 04:18:41 +0200 )edit@Macilaci457, could you put your suggestions under correct answer boxes below so there would not be so much confusion and it would be easier to read these. @corneliusg suggestion noted, if you also have suggestions for camera features put them under "correct" boxes.
TimTTK ( 2014-01-16 11:21:35 +0200 )edit