SUG Bremen - Sailfish user group Bremen
asked 2016-01-13 11:21:05 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Welcome to the SUG Bremen. At our regularly meetings we talk - in multitasking - about Sailfish OS, the future, native apps, real world problems and many more. All meetings are announced here.
Info-mail: segler -at- gmx-topmail . de
Current dates see below, usually we meet every two month. Guests welcome. Location: Union Brauerei Bremen. For more details please send email.
Nächstes Treffen / Next meeting:
Datum / Date: Monday, 3 August 2020, 19:30 Uhr
Ort / Location (as our summer location): Renoir, Vegesacker Str. 14-18, 28217 Bremen (Walle)
(Winter location: Union Brauerei und Braugasthaus, Theodorstrasse 12/13, 28219 Bremen)
Miss the date? ETA for our next meeting: see comments.
Infos (z.B. wie uns finden) per Mail / For more details please send an email to: segler -at- gmx-topmail . de
Bis dann!
Current dates see below, usually we meet every two month. Guests welcome.
Die aktuellen Termine stehen unten, normalerweise treffen wir uns etwa alle zwei Monate. Gäste herzlich willkommen.
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jasadominoqq ( 2019-01-24 09:20:04 +0200 )editETA for next meeting: Monday 19.10.20, 19:30, Union Brauerei und Braugasthaus, Theodorstraße 12/13, 28219 Bremen.
utkiek ( 2019-08-10 18:23:56 +0200 )edit