head phone jack: switch gnd mic <-> mic gnd
I heard that someone created a tool on the N9 to interpret the head phone jack mic-gnd layout to switch between Apple jack and Android jack functionality (e. g. to let Android's volume buttons work). Is there a possibility to have this functionality on the Jolla phone too (trying to get xiaomi piston v3 headsets work complete whose volume buttons work on Android but not on Apple and Jolla).
volume buttons of iphone earphones also wont work with Jolla. So i guess the problem lies somewhere else. Also if it where to be a mic <->gnd switch then i would simply buy an adapter. But afaik android phones have adapted the apple layout for quite a while.
michel ( 2016-01-15 23:02:23 +0200 )editactually in this case apple did the right thing to change the layout to make 4pol headsets backwards compatible to 3 pol devices.
michel ( 2016-01-18 16:45:33 +0200 )edit