FYI: jolla tablet refunds
asked 2016-02-19 15:49:47 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
• Message to webshop customers "Your refund is being processed", Feb. 19th 2016 :
• Blog post: "Jolla Tablet: project update, how do we move from here", March 1st, 2016
• Message to IGG-backers "Jolla Tablet project update", March 2nd, 2016
• [ upcoming message(s) here ]
Important Note:
Let's keep this thread INFORMATIVE - i.e. no excessive emotions, speculations or accusations. Just crucial information to drive on. I am awaiting refunds as well: both as a IGG backer and a webshop-customer. One has to accept jolla's pace - no matter whether you hate it to or want to instruct them how to do it better. It's their refund campaign after all. Greets, @launchpad
Hm, interesting. What is this? No word about the 540 tablets which should be delivered? What a pity, I had reasonable hopes to be among the lucky 540 people. Full refund in one single transaction? What does "PayPal will subsequently process your refund as soon as they can" mean? Is PayPal not able to process more than -say- 50 transactions per day? I'm confused. Can anyone shed some light on this? Cheers and sail on!
thomas.goertz ( 2016-02-19 16:33:42 +0200 )editShame we won't see the tablet released to the bigger masses, but am I the only one who wonders what will happen to those piles of Lastu cases and Mapragbags Jolla ordered for backers?
avhakola ( 2016-03-04 15:18:08 +0200 )edit