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[Bug] SFOS - Unlocking the phone via display input does not work after a while when the phone was locked

asked 2016-03-25 17:01:55 +0200

megalith gravatar image

updated 2016-04-24 13:50:13 +0200

Problemstatement: Unlocking the phone via display input does not work after a while when the phone was locked. (All touch input on the diplay does to work)

Softwareversion: - SFOS

Detailed description: When trying to unlock my phone with a double tip the phone does not respond. Display seems to be not touchable at all, also after having pressed the on button (on the side of the phone) for enabling the backlight of the phone to see the screen for entering the login code.

Steps to reproduce: - Lock your phone, wait a couple of hours. - Try to unlock your phone via double click. - Display stays back, furhter no reponce. - Press the on button on the side of the phone. - Display switches on. - Try to input your number code. - Diplay does not responce on any input. - Phone stays locked.

Workarround: - Take out battery for about 30 seconds. (make sure the phone is reset) - Set the battery back into the phone. - Switch the phone on via the on switch. - Display starts, OS starts, login code requests show - Enter codes via display is working again

Now I'm looking for more input; for example which logfiles are interesting to look at for this kind of issue? Please support me, to be able to track down this issue.

Thank you.


Questions: 1. What logfiles are needed to look at? 2. What do I look for in this logfiles?

After further analysis this seems to be a bug. The installed android vm seems to be the trouble maker. Furhter information see the given workarround.

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Never happes to me.

juiceme ( 2016-03-27 14:39:01 +0200 )edit

@megalith: When it happens does all touch input cease to work? Or can you get some reaction via edge swipes? Does number of applications you have running in backround make any difference to the likelihood of the problems occurring?

spiiroin ( 2016-04-20 21:34:04 +0200 )edit

@spiiroin, no screen input is possible at all.

megalith ( 2016-04-24 13:50:54 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2016-03-25 17:03:07 +0200

megalith gravatar image

updated 2016-04-24 13:57:09 +0200


  • Take out battery for about 30 seconds. (make sure the phone is reset)
  • Set the battery back into the phone.
  • Switch the phone on via the on switch.
  • Display starts, OS starts, login code requests show
  • Enter codes via display is working again

After this happened too often and even the arround did not solve the issue for a long period anymore I have done the following thing. (I had installed WhatsApp; my last action before things went from still usable phone to not usable at all.)

  • I had a android app installed already before which is called "Power Clean" in version 2.5.5
  • after using it and deleting all the so called Cache Junk, old APKs, etc. the problem did not occure again.

Greetings and Good Luck,


P.s.: This might be a topic which helps further with the solution. https://together.jolla.com/question/30822/root-and-home-disks-full-and-causing-various-problems/

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i am also experiencing problems waking the phone up with double tab since couple of days ago. but only wake up, after that is ok i have OS 2.01 the only i did was some random android apps updates, and after that the problem started

Dragomir ( 2016-03-29 09:18:23 +0200 )edit

Same situation here. After restoring Factory Settings, Zendesk adviced me to ship the JP for repair.


  • Android said "Disk full", system warning or similar
  • Phone said enough space (on both internal drive, and SD memory card), so I kept calm
  • Touch screen frozen, no reaction at all, removing and re-inserting battery no solution

  • Used SF OS when behaviour occured, + Jolla's Android support

Some help to avoid an out-of-order display

  1. Take regular backup of your phone (via Settings --> Backup). This is possible only as long as your touch screen is active!
  2. Copy /home/nemo folder to a different location, e.g. Laptop/Desktop PC, including hidden files. Make sure android_storage is fully included.
  3. Clean up android storage manually. Regularly. I had 1.6 GiB (!) of data, mostly images and videos of WTFsApp. Broke it down to 340 MB.
  4. Take regular backup of WTFsApp Chat history. Solution for this can be found online, e.g. via WTFsApp FAQ. For restore, copy this content back to your phone BEFORE reinstalling WTFsApp. Location is (guessing) /home/nemo/android_storage/WTFsApp. This is possible only as long as your touch screen is active!
  5. [Optional] Ask WTFsApp developers why it is not natively allowed to change the SaveTo-Location, e.g. to SD Card. As far as I know, this is impossible on native Android devices as well.

In Recovery Mode, steps 2 and 3 above are possible, but mean additional work and mounting and shell commands and lots of coffee.

Details and discussion - most of it in German - can be found here: https://jollausers.de/thread/388-android-cache-leeren-im-recovery-mode/

As of now, in this post-Easter week, I am waiting for Jolla support's FedEx instructions, sending phone in for (hardware?) repair. And promising myself to clean up android_storage more frequently :-).

spheniscus ( 2017-04-19 17:29:21 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-03-27 14:19:40 +0200

zokker13 gravatar image

Have the same issue from time to time. I end up tabbing on it like a maniac and it ends up working.

I don't use a code.

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At my phone the touch screen locked at various situations. When I had an incoming call it would lock about half the time. I am not sure if it's the same problem as described above.

Dries Van Giel ( 2016-04-25 10:45:37 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2016-03-25 17:01:55 +0200

Seen: 1,402 times

Last updated: Apr 24 '16