Will Alien Dalvik be updated in the future ?
I would like to know if there's a chance that Alien Dalvik will be updated. Lately, more an more updates of somes applications are no longer supported and it's concerning. I don't know on which version Alien Dalvik is based, but wouldn't it be a problem if the Android support starts to get outdated ? Moreover, knowing that the Fairphone 2 will support Sailfish OS officially, it would be great to have an updated version of Alien Dalvik on it as well. (PS : I hope it's not a duplicate, in that case I'm sorry !)
Check out also this older post => https://together.jolla.com/question/66931/what-android-version-jolla-is-compatible-with/?answer=67017#post-id-67017
Kari ( 2016-03-28 23:35:19 +0200 )edit