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[SOLVED] Tidings RSS reader: how add feeds in bulk?

asked 2016-04-13 18:27:48 +0200

tapio gravatar image

updated 2018-12-03 22:42:40 +0200

Tanghus gravatar image

I'd like to add several rss feeds in one time to use with Tidings.

is there a file on my Jolla where all the url's are stored and that I can edit to do so? [if yes, please provide the path]


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Is there any Sailfish rss reader that can import .opml files?

Kollin ( 2016-04-13 20:31:34 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2016-04-16 13:39:26 +0200

dietmar gravatar image

updated 2016-04-16 22:48:13 +0200

yes, there is. When you entered the Jolla by ssh you will find a database file in /home/nemo/.local/share/harbour-tidings/harbour-tidings named database.sqlite.

This contains the whole set of settings in a db file.

Depending on the tools you use to admin the DB you might enter bulk content by mass inserts in the respective table.

Or do it bit by bit using your favorite SQLite DB admin tool.


PS: Yes, it's from Phone, Saimaa.

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Funny: This is the path/file I see on my tablet. It's not there on the phone.

ossi1967 ( 2016-04-16 16:17:16 +0200 )edit

Ahaha, how to kill a fly with a nuclear bomb! :D

Kollin ( 2016-04-16 22:19:59 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-04-23 21:48:15 +0200

tapio gravatar image

TNX dietmar!

however, I needed to go a few dirs deeper to find an .sqlite database: home/nemo/.local/share/harbour-tidings/harbour-tidings/QML/OfflineStorage/Databases/

anyhow, nice to learn the internal workings of the Sailfish system!

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Asked: 2016-04-13 18:27:48 +0200

Seen: 798 times

Last updated: Apr 23 '16