btrfs - phone bricked?
Hello there
I completely ran out space whilst SF downloading the newest update. Everything was constantly crashing and i couldn't delete files anymore (rm -> not enough space). So i tried (evo3d answer):
dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/sdcard/0000-BDCB/btrfs bs=100M count=5
losetup -v -f /media/sdcard/0000-BDCB/btrfs
btrfs device add /dev/loop0 /
btrfs-balancer balance
Balancing now worked...
However i couldn't remove the device anymore and rebooted.
When the phone boots i get filesystem recovery which fails.
Using the recovery mode -> factory reset ->fails too
mmcblk0p28 can only be mounted 'dirty' , so thats why it fails.
Trying to check why it can only be mounted dirty --> BRTFS shows the following output:
The missing device must be the /dev/loop0
How can i remove it?
What should i do? Help much appreciated
I'm sorry for you, Btrfs is not ready for mainstream! It's just a geek toy!
Kollin ( 2016-05-10 15:05:53 +0200 )editIm one of the early adopters and now i have to say, after 4 + years: Its for geeks that want a toy, not for geeks that want a phone.
ozzi776 ( 2016-05-10 15:13:16 +0200 )editSimilar problem here. Luckily I have not yet fucked up the phone completely with btrfs. But anyhow, OS update will not run because it clogged up all the space and I cannot delete files because the disk is full?!?
Funny how a company can release so buggy SW and SW updates that when normally using the device it basically breaks the product. And I am now talking about the OS update. User shouldn't even need to consider using btrfs or recovery mode. And because the phone is out of warranty the reipair costs would go to me?
Oh well... Maybe I go and get myself a Samsung as all the rest of the peons.
JarnoF ( 2016-05-10 18:28:12 +0200 )editI ordered a Sony Xperia for 1 Euro (existing contract). Not going to spend one more minute into fixing this mess of a OS.
ozzi776 ( 2016-05-10 18:35:15 +0200 )editMaybe I fire up my (t)rusty ol' backup phone... the N9! :D
JarnoF ( 2016-05-10 18:40:15 +0200 )edit