2014-09-27 22:15:00 +0200
Thanks community for sharing some locations of Jolla's system apps, hopefully the UI is open source and in QML so you don't need to compile modifications.
I think that we need to see the phone number in SMS conversations, call history and incoming calls and not just show a contact name or indication like "Personal"/"Work"/"Other".
When you have a contact with several numbers, you need to know the phone number and sometimes you don't even have an indication shown because you didn't save a number as "Personal" or "Work".
Below are the small modifications I made to display the contact phone number.
I'm sharing the diffs with original files (diff -u original_file.qml.bak modified_file.qml) so you can use command "patch < patch_name.patch" for the current update but files may change in future updates and you'll need to adapt changes.
Be sure to keep a backup of modified files in the same directory like original_file.qml.bak and follow these steps only if you know what you are doing. It should not be you doing the changes but Jolla allowing you to choose what details you want to see in future updates.
For SMS conversations:
File /usr/share/jolla-messages/pages/conversation/SMSMessageDelegate.qml in label id "timestamp" after var re = Format.formatDate(modelData.startTime, Formatter.Timepoint).
--- /usr/share/jolla-messages/pages/conversation/SMSMessageDelegate.qml.bak 2014-09-25 18:19:46.145971935 +0200
+++ /usr/share/jolla-messages/pages/conversation/SMSMessageDelegate.qml 2014-09-27 20:05:30.234271645 +0200
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@
return qsTrId("messages-message_state_waiting")
} else {
var re = Format.formatDate(modelData.startTime, Formatter.Timepoint)
+ re += " | " + remoteUid
if (modelData.status === CommHistory.DeliveredStatus) {
//% "Delivered"
re += " | " + qsTrId("messages-message_state_delivered")
For call history (used by outgoing/ongoing call too):
File /usr/share/voicecall-ui-jolla/qml/pages/calllog/CallLogItem.qml you can replace numberDetail (it means "Personal"/"Work" indications) with the phone number (remoteUid).
--- /usr/share/voicecall-ui-jolla/qml/pages/calllog/CallLogItem.qml.bak 2014-09-27 15:21:25.593200743 +0200
+++ /usr/share/voicecall-ui-jolla/qml/pages/calllog/CallLogItem.qml 2014-09-27 16:06:27.116727246 +0200
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
right: description.right
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall
- text: numberDetail + (numberDetail.length && connectionDetail.length ? " | " : "") + connectionDetail
+ text: person ? remoteUid : "" + (numberDetail.length && connectionDetail.length ? " | " : "") + connectionDetail
color: highlighted ? Theme.secondaryHighlightColor : secondaryColor
For incoming calls:
File /usr/share/voicecall-ui-jolla/qml/pages/calling/IncomingCallView.qml at the end of "secondText" information.
--- /usr/share/voicecall-ui-jolla/qml/pages/calling/IncomingCallView.qml.bak 2014-09-27 16:13:33.689421940 +0200
+++ /usr/share/voicecall-ui-jolla/qml/pages/calling/IncomingCallView.qml 2014-09-27 16:35:11.865418294 +0200
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
active: telephony.incomingCallerDetails ? !telephony.incomingCallerDetails.silenced : false
phoneNumber: remoteUid
firstText: person ? person.primaryName : ""
- secondText: person ? person.secondaryName : ""
+ secondText: person ? person.secondaryName + remoteUid : remoteUid
callWaiting: (telephony.incomingCall && telephony.primaryCall) ||
(telephony.primaryCall && telephony.heldCall && telephony.primaryCall !== telephony.heldCall)
callCount: telephony.voiceCalls.count
In the future, it would be great if Jolla users can choose what they want to see without modifying source code. But I think we should be able to see the phone number by default next to each message/call in SMS conversations, call history and incoming calls.
Possible duplicate:
Update: With SailfishOS update 10 (, SMSMessageDelegate.qml has not changed so you can apply patch without problem to /usr/share/jolla-messages/pages/conversation/SMSMessageDelegate.qml
CallLogItem.qml and IncomingCallView.qml have been moved and got some modifications but patches are still working, you can use them on /usr/share/voicecall-ui-jolla/pages/calllog/CallLogItem.qml and /usr/share/voicecall-ui-jolla/pages/calling/IncomingCallView.qml (files are not in qml folder anymore)
I would also propose that the phone number should be visible on calling screen and also when receiving call.
Kreso ( 2013-12-27 15:33:49 +0200 )This is necessary because different numbers may respond differently; if I call a work phone outside of office hours, the call may be diverted to a different person or an exchange - even if the person called from their personal number.
jsiren ( 2013-12-28 19:10:49 +0200 )I second that request. Sometimes you want to send a message to caller in history but if you can't see if the call was done by a normal (old) phone that doesn't support SMS, the option "Send message" doesn't make any sense. Thus it would be great to be able to distinguish between those numbers.
naytsyrhc ( 2014-01-03 12:29:05 +0200 )I would also like to see the category and the sub-category of the phone number called. Ex. Mobile/Work or Mobile/Personal.
plipp ( 2014-01-03 12:32:51 +0200 )I now happen to have all four entries of a single contact on my history and yes I just called the wrong number from it... went to people to figure the right one... this is nothing like useful at all! Call history in phone is therefor broken for good!
chemist ( 2014-01-08 23:36:12 +0200 )