[Wiki] Available devices, plus rumored and legacy devices, running Sailfish OS
asked 2016-06-08 15:42:06 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
As there are more phones and other devices with Sailfish OS as native / pre-installed or officially supported OS coming out, here is a Wiki page for general overview, a shopping guide and information where to buy. May come handy for anyone new or looking for compact info.
Feel free to edit, expand and add infos.
- KISS - keep it simple, stupid. Please state only facts - and no personal opinions (the comments are for rants)
- When adding an entry keep it short, link to sources and add month/year of entry. Thx.
- Add a separate wiki answer for each model only when it becomes available and can be ordered and bought at least in some parts of the world (not when it is only rumored or planned). Specifications can be obtained by using the application AIDA64 from the Jolla Store.
Table of content
- Available devices
- Planned / rumored devices
- Community ports
- Legacy devices
- Legacy rumored devices
- Additional Infos
Available devices
Devices with official Sailfish OS software package available that can be ordered and bought at least in some parts of the world. Jolla is selling the software package, the owners can purchase, download and install it on their own devices.
- Sony Xperia 10 series (since SailfishOS; all Xperia 10 models, i.e. regular and "Plus", each in their single- and dual-Sim versions: I3113, I3123, I3213, I3223, I4113, I4193, I4213, I4293
- Sony Xperia XA2 series (since SailfishOS; all XA2 models, i.e. regular, "Ultra" and "Plus", each in their single- and dual-Sim versions: H3113, H3123, H3133, H3213, H3223, H3413, H4113, H4133, H4213, H4233, H4413, H4493
- Gemini PDA – See TJC wiki about this device. Press Release
Note that the current (as of 2019-11-22) SailfishOS releases for the Gemini PDA still lack the "AlienDalvik" Android runtime environment.
Devices with pre-installed Sailfish OS that can be ordered and bought at least in some parts of the world.
- INOI T8 tablet (l801em)
Note that the devices sold by INOI usually lack a license for the "AlienDalvik" Android runtime environment.
Planned / rumored devices
Devices for which official SailfishOS support is either announced or rumored.
- MIG C55 (5,5" IP67 phone): technical specifications (translated) / original link (in Russian), press release by OMP (translated) / original link (in Russian) (12/2019)
- Aquarius NS208 (8" IP67 tablet): technical specifications (translated) / original link (in Russian), press release by OMP (translated) / original link (in Russian) (12/2019)
- Blackview 6000s (4,7" IP68 phone): technical specifications, press release by OMP (translated) / original link (in Russian), Amazon.com links for the device with Android installed [1] / [2] (10/2019)
- F(x)tec Pro1 phone (formerly known as Livermorium phone), reviving Nokia's "Lauta" prototype / N950 keyboard mechanism with a modern SoC and hardware. (Side Note: Community builds of SailfishOS have been demonstrated to run well on prototypes and production devices of the Pro1, but official support by Jolla has not been announced.) (11/2019)
- Cosmo Communicator (slightly revamped Gemini PDA) – Jolla's blog states Sailfish OS support is looked into with the community. (11/2018)
- INOI T10 tablet. At MWC 2018 it was stated that the 8" and 10" INOI tablets will be available with SailfishOS ("end of 2018", IIRC), although likely for the Russian market only. (Note, that the INOI T8 is available since Q2/2019.)
- PinePhone and PineTab. There is a Sailfish OS build entry on Pine64's wiki. According to Pine: "Once a partner project decides that an OS build for the PinePhone has been completed, and we too are satisfied with the OS image, then an entire PinePhone production run will be flashed with the OS build in question." Also it's indicated that Pine64 plans to donate the $10/phone margin to the mobile OS of the buyer's choosing.
- INOI 243, a "feature phone" was announced at MWC2018 (unclear if this actually is the one announced). Likely to be available only in Russia. Supposedly it is not running Sailfish OS. (07/2019)
Community ports
Besides these commercially available products, there are also so called community ports of Sailfish OS available for numerous other devices - you can just download and install them by yourself. Especially, check out the most active (but this list is unmaintained since 2017) or all (maintained list) ports / adaptations listed at the MERproject wiki.
Note that community ports lack the proprietary, third party components AlienDalvik (Android runtime environment), "EAS" (Exchange Server support) and XT9 (for which a Free Software alternative exists: presage).
Legacy devices
Newer (than 2016) devices, which are discontinued by their manufacturer but fully supported by recent Sailfish OS releases.
These are easy to buy used and provide a hardware platform on par with current devices.
- Sony Xperia X (F5121; since SailfishOS 2.1.3) and Xperia X Dual-SIM (F5122; since SailfishOS 2.2.0).
Older (2013 - 2016) devices, which are discontinued by their manufacturers but still supported by recent Sailfish OS releases.
These are hard to obtain, provide outdated hardware and seem to receive only little testing nowadays.
- Jolla Phone (JP-1301) aka Jolla 1, sbj, J1, "the first one"
- Jolla Tablet (JT-1501) aka tbj
- Jolla C (JP-1601)
INOI R7 (p4903; basically the same hardware as the Jolla C)
Older devices, which are discontinued by their manufacturers and not supported by current Sailfish OS releases.
- Intex Aqua Fish (l500d; basically the same hardware as the Jolla C)
Official support ended with SailfishOS 2.2.1 (supposedly because Intex did not extend the support contract with Jolla), but Aqua Fish phones can be reflashed to mimic a Jolla C. - Jala Accione
- Jala Accione P
Legacy rumored devices
Cemetery of broken dreams. Older then 2 years and still not available.
- FairPhone 2 - only a community port is available . See a comment by James Noori on June 5, 2018 at 4:47 pm. Now (July 2019) the device is out of stock. (06/2018)
- Lumo is an always-on, easy-to-use, video alarm and care solution aimed especially at senior people. Jolla and Oulumo cooperation aims to power Lumo devices with Sailfish OS. (05/2017)
- Sailfish Watch – It was repeatedly stated to be only a technology demonstrator, not a prototype! (12/2016)
Youyota - tabletNOT AVAILABLE (never shipped and never will) (08/2016)- Ermak OMP - rugged device (No news for more than a year!) (06/2016)
Additional Infos
- Jolla-Devices is reported to sell aforementioned, internationally available devices with the free edition of "SailfishX" preinstalled, so one can upgrade to the full (paid & licensed) edition simply by entering the Jolla Store credentials and installing the relevant packages (i.e., without re-flashing / re-installing SailfishOS). As Jolla-Devices fails to clearly state that on their webpages, you might inquire first. Note that Jolla does not allow to transfer or resell full "SailfishX" licenses, thus one has to buy a full license from Jolla her-/himself. (02/2018)
- Press release, Apr 4, 2017: Sailfish China consortium proceeding to implementation phase.
- Jolla has started discussions in South Africa (from a press release, Nov 29, 2016).
PuzzlePhone should also come this year (2016) and they were promising SFOS support.
avhakola ( 2016-06-08 15:56:39 +0200 )editMi-Fone is said to be 16Q2, guess will be Q3 but well within 2016
chemist ( 2016-06-08 16:37:44 +0200 )editJust read from finnish techsite about this Russian Oysters SF: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Foysters.ru%2Fproducts%2Fsmartphone%2Fsmartfon_oysters_sf%2F
avhakola ( 2016-06-08 16:41:11 +0200 )editOysters SF has an english page, no need for google translate. [http://www.oysters.ru/en/products/smartphone/smartfon_oysters_sf/]
mattl ( 2016-06-08 17:32:41 +0200 )edithttp://reviewjolla.blogspot.nl/p/devices.html (but I don't know if it's kept up to date)
rgrnetalk ( 2016-06-08 17:33:20 +0200 )edit