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Lost caldav connection with ownCloud

asked 2016-06-10 00:13:42 +0200

dyraig gravatar image

updated 2016-06-12 15:17:27 +0200

I've been using my Jolla with my own ownCloud server for synching my calendar (i.e. caldav) without any problems for a couple of months now. Two weeks back, I upgraded the Jolla to and everything worked fine. Some time before that, I upgraded the server from 8.0 to 8.1 - again, without problems.

However, this morning, all my events that are synched with the ownCloud server had suddenly vanished from my Jolla. Also, all calendars that are synched from the server were gone. I have two other remote calenders, one from a Zimbra server and one from an Officce365 account - both are still present and working.

Things I have tried so far:

  1. Reboot => no change
  2. Disable/re-enable caldav account => no change
  3. Removed db file (this has helped in the past with sync problems) => no change (the Zimbra and Office365 accounts kept working)
  4. Deleted caldav account and tried to readd => no success

Especially the last point surprised me. I have a desktop client (KOrganizer under KDE) which still syncs fine with the ownCloud server, so the server side should be ok. When trying to re-add the caldav account on the Jolla, it creates the account, but then does not find any calendars on the server. In the server logs, I can see an initial connection - but nothing after that. It looks as if the Jolla is not even trying to find the calendars.

On the Jolla, journalctl lists this:

Jun 09 22:37:09 Jolla [913]: [W] Buteo::ProfileManagerPrivate::parseFile:1117 - Profile file not found: "/home/nemo/.cache/msyncd/sync/onlinesync-carddav.xml"
Jun 09 22:37:09 Jolla [913]: [W] Buteo::ProfileManagerPrivate::load:152 - Failed to load profile: "onlinesync-carddav" 
Jun 09 22:37:09 Jolla [913]: [W] Buteo::ProfileManagerPrivate::parseFile:1117 - Profile file not found: "/home/nemo/.cache/msyncd/sync/onlinesync-caldav.xml" 
Jun 09 22:37:09 Jolla [913]: [W] Buteo::ProfileManagerPrivate::load:152 - Failed to load profile: "onlinesync-caldav" 
Jun 09 22:37:09 Jolla [913]: [W] Buteo::ProfileManagerPrivate::parseFile:1117 - Profile file not found: "/home/nemo/.cache/msyncd/sync/.xml" 
Jun 09 22:37:09 Jolla [913]: [W] Buteo::ProfileManagerPrivate::load:152 - Failed to load profile: "" 

but not much else that seems relevant.

Any ideas how I can restore this connections would be extremely appreciated, as I am missing my persondal agenda sorely...

Update: When adding "remote.php/caldav/calendars/USERNAME/ to the calendar URL, the account creation does discover all calendars on the server (I'm pretty certain I did not need to this when I originally added this account a couple of months back) - but they are not added to the agenda, nor are any events synched.

Update2: With the acccount set-up as described in the first Update, I increased the verbosity of the log as described by @chrisadams e.g. here. I could then see in the logs that apparently, the sync starts trying to sync some events, but always fails on the same event:

Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "REPORT response data:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>" 
Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "<d:multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:s="http://sabredav.org/ns" xmlns:cal="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" xmlns:cs="http://calendarserver.org/ns/"><d:response><d:href>/SUBDIR/remote.php/caldav/calendars/USERNAME/contact_birthdays/local::2::17.ics</d:href><d:propstat><d:prop><d:getetag>"3529397110b101fd2c652a810c976d22"</d:getetag><cal:calendar-data>BEGIN:VCALENDAR" 
Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "VERSION:2.0" 
Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "PRODID:-//ownCloud//NONSGML Contacts" 
Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "CALSCALE:GREGORIAN" 
Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "BEGIN:VEVENT" 
Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "UID:3ef9726866a946c5a6b4e31c3b9be8f9" 
Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "DTSTAMP:20160522T115156Z" 
Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:19761227" 
Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "DTEND;VALUE=DATE:19761228" 
Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY" 
Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "SUMMARY:Some_Text" 
Jun 12 13:40:56 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [D] Request::debugReply:154 - "TRANSP:TRANSPARENT" 
Jun 12 13:40:59 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [C] Request::finishedWithError:100 - "REPORT" request failed. 401 "Network request failed with QNetworkReply::NetworkError: 299" 
Jun 12 13:40:59 Jolla caldav-client[26936]: [C] CalDavClient::syncFinished:370 - CalDAV sync failed: 401 "Network request failed with QNetworkReply::NetworkError: 299"

I especially don't get how the synching of an event can cause a "network error"? Anybody out there with a clue for me?

Update3: The network error does not seem to be related to an event - if I disable the "Personal" and the "Birthday" calendar, the rest seems to sync. Will investigate further.

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Hi I had a similar problem and just managed to get my owncloud caldav sync working again by readding the account, with /remote.php/dav added after the server url. Though my problems seems to be caused by upgrading ownclound to version 9.

korga ( 2016-06-10 23:48:30 +0200 )edit

That worked for you? I recently switched to Owncloud 9 and ever since it syncs only partially and some calendars not at all. All-day events seem to be broken, too. Carddav seems to work, though. This is annoying, especially since caldav worked reliably with oc 8.2. I deleted the calendar database and readded the account repeatedly but to no avail.

Timm ( 2016-06-12 19:25:55 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2016-06-13 01:41:50 +0200

dyraig gravatar image

Solved it. The network error I was observing came from the server - one of the calendars caused an exception "This recurrence rule does not generate any valid instances" - apparently some recurring event with an error. I ended up retrieving the full calendar as ics from ownCloud, removing all recurring events, then re-adding the remaining events. Since then, the sync works again. I still do not know why I need to add "remote.php/caldav/calendars/USERNAME" to the caldav URL - but my memory is a bit shaky on whether I really did not need to do that when I added the calendar in the first place months back. I also do not know why everything suddenly vanished from the Jolla.

@Timm: Did you check the ownCloud logs when you had problems?

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If you can isolate the recurring event which caused the calendar backend to emit that error, please send it to me at chris dot adams at jolla dot com, so that I can investigate and fix the calendar backend (i.e., by treating it as a non-recurring event in the case where the RRULE is invalid). Thanks!

chris.adams ( 2016-06-13 06:22:51 +0200 )edit

I went through the oc logs and was able to to eliminate php modules errors. Now the jolla sync is better but still unreliable because some events still do not get synced. I need to look into those events. Did I mention that all other clients (Android, Gnome, vdirsyncer) sync without issues? :-|

Timm ( 2016-06-14 11:48:56 +0200 )edit

@Timm it's unfortunate that the SFOS CalDAV sync plugin still has issues. If you can provide me with either a test account which includes some of these mishandled events, or the .ics of the events which don't sync, I will investigate further - thanks!

chris.adams ( 2016-06-15 03:45:16 +0200 )edit

@chris.adams Thank you for your kind offer. How can I send you some samples without posting them on the web?

Timm ( 2016-06-15 23:55:39 +0200 )edit

@Timm email me the details at chris dot adams at jolla dot com - thanks!

chris.adams ( 2016-06-23 08:59:21 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2016-06-10 00:13:42 +0200

Seen: 735 times

Last updated: Jun 13 '16