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LTE with Jolla C [released]

asked 2016-06-29 11:08:53 +0200

updated 2016-09-22 10:44:34 +0200

Edit 21.09.2016 Re-opened this question, because of the following observations:

1. No 4G @ home anymore

While LTE worked quite well after the update, a few days after the update I came across a bug (?), which prevents the Jolla C to connect to LTE (800MHz) at home. The first time this happened, my Jolla C showed 4G and some hours later it showed 2G without doing anything.

Nothing worked to get a 4G connection again: Reboot the device, boot without SIM inserted and boot again with SIM inserted, switch from SIM slot 1 to 2 and back, setting network mode from 'Prefer 4G' to any other option and back, disable mobile data connection, restart network connections via Utilities ...

The only thing that worked was to leave the cell (drive to another region). After I came home again, 4G worked correctly.

After that 4G worked well a few days/weeks, but since a week or two, my Jolla C completely refuses to connect 4G again. I tried everything again, but nothing helps.

My GFs Jolla C with the same OS version works just fine with 4G with the same provider. In other regions where 4G didn't work correctly (i.e. at work) before the update, my Jolla C still connects to 4G.

Update 22.09.2016: After fiddling around with the more network modes patch from @coderus (installing, uninstalling, reinstalling ofono package), my Jolla C connected via 4G again @ home yesterday. Let's see how it behaves the next days/weeks...

2. Slow switching from 2G/3G over to 4G / refusing to switch over after reboot

Jolla C is connected via 4G with good reception. After rebooting the phone, Jolla C refuses to connect via 4G and just stays at 2G or 3G. After some time (and maybe cell switching), it connects via 4G.

3. General

For testing, I installed the more network modes patch from @coderus. As soon as I select the option "4G" (only), the network switches it's state from "Telekom.de" to "Searching..." and never ever switches back. When I select "4G+3G", the network switches to "Telekom.de" directly without problems, but connects only via 3G.

I need to mention, that I have a very good 4G reception in my work place and at home, so I can clearly say that a "4G dead zone" can not be the problem.

I know the 4G band @ home is 20 (800MHz) and I think @ work it is band 20, too - but I can not clearly say that.

Original question:


as we came back to Germany from our vacation from Helsinki, I noticed that the Jolla C does not want to connect via LTE in our region. Jolla Phone (Jolla 1) has no problems to connect via LTE here.

I checked the specs and compared them to the Jolla 1 and it seems, that the Jolla C should support all the LTE bands the Jolla 1 supports plus band 1.

Unfortunately I don't know the LTE band used in our region, but I think it is band 20 (800MHz) as we live in a small village.

Is the spec sheet of Jolla C wrong, or is it a bug in Sailfish OS?

Edit 19.07.2016:

Intex itself specifies the LTE bands 2300, 1800 and 850 on their site: http://www.intex.in/mobile/smartphone/aqua-fish/specifications.html

So it seems that your spec sheet is wrong. If this is true it would be a real PITA because 90% of time I only have the 800MHz band and almost never 3G.

Edit 20.07.2016:

Note by @Sailor:

Seems not to be the case: https://twitter.com/JamesNoori/status/755759996659503108

Edit 05.08.2016:

Note by @Armadillo:

Still under investigation: https://twitter.com/awlnx/status/761167055961726982

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The question has been closed for the following reason "released in a software update" by molan
close date 2017-02-09 12:51:53.954633



Hi ho, which provider do you use? Did you try one of the others too? AFAIK because of O2 buying E-Plus, there is a lot of fluctuation in frequency use going on at least for this provider.

Venty ( 2016-06-29 14:03:46 +0200 )edit

I am/we are using Telekom.de - so this should be no problem :)

ejjoman ( 2016-06-29 14:09:07 +0200 )edit

I can confirm this. T-Mobile around Munich/Augsburg works fine for me, but T-Mobile in Passau-Auerbach does not work. The Jolla C sees no LTE there.

pycage ( 2016-06-29 17:35:11 +0200 )edit

Hmm, this will be interesting. I live in Zuerich/Switzerland but am often in Germany, being it for holidays or just a hop over the border for shopping. However, I will only receive my Jolla C in August, when I'm back from an extended trip around Scandinavia.

Venty ( 2016-06-29 18:08:58 +0200 )edit

I also have the same problem with 800Mhz in Sweden, provider Tele2. Would be happy if someone could clarify if the specifications of Jolla C is correct or if it is related to software or some certifications with the providers. My Jolla 1 has no problems with the same SIM.

speactra ( 2016-07-01 04:13:50 +0200 )edit

25 Answers

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answered 2016-08-19 15:32:12 +0200

Sage gravatar image

updated 2016-08-31 15:55:30 +0200

xfade gravatar image

Hi everyone and apologies of this inconvenience,

there was indeed SW issue found from the LTE side and we have fix for it already existing. This fix will be provided over OTA in near future. Early access is planned for next week and then final release shortly after that.

Best Regards, Sage

Update: Released for early access in

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\O/ Thank you!

Venty ( 2016-08-19 16:18:05 +0200 )edit

great news and a great work to Jolla. I'm looking foreward to next week :)

Dreej ( 2016-08-19 16:37:10 +0200 )edit

Awesome news, thanks!

attah ( 2016-08-19 17:27:37 +0200 )edit

Thanks! :-)

Armadillo ( 2016-08-19 17:56:30 +0200 )edit

/o\ \o/ /O/

mosen ( 2016-08-19 18:17:27 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-07-29 15:36:09 +0200

peremen gravatar image

updated 2016-09-01 14:43:26 +0200

I highly assume that it is Jolla's fault.

Background: LTE network can ask the phone about its supported capabilities (UECapabilityInformation), including which bands are supported [1]. I have some testing equipment, and it reported that only Band 1/3 are supported on Jolla C. As a result, Band 7/20 networks are not correctly working.

Here is the trace:

Jolla C UECapabilityInformation

[1] 3GPP TS 36.331

Update 2016. 8. 9:

I tried to enable B7/B20 using Qualcomm tools but there was no luck. Qualcomm baseband stores its internal configuration inside NV values, and it is accessible via their proprietary tools. NV item 6828 and 6829 is related to which bands are enabled. Converting the number to binary, LSB starts from Band 1, n-th bit corresponds to Band n is enabled or not. Usually NV 6828 and 6829 are the same on most phones. For example, my Nexus 5 has LTE B1/3/5/7/8/20 enabled and NV 6828/6829 says this:

  • 524501 == b'10000000000011010101'

You can see 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 20th bits are enabled. On Jolla C, NV 6828 is set to 524357 and 6829 is 80045. Unlike most Qualcomm devices both NV's are different. I think this is mistake in baseband firmware, as 0x80045 == 524357 in base 10. When converting both two into binary, it says like this:

  • 80045 == b'00010011100010101101'
  • 524357 == b'10000000000001000101'

As you can notice, only 1st and 3rd bits are the same, and coincidentally only LTE B1/B3 is enabled. I manually modified NV values but LTE B7/B20 is still not there (tested using Vodafone DE SIM card). Please fix the baseband issues, Jolla.

Also I have reported the original JP-1301's baseband issue long ago, but still didn't got the response yet.

Update 2016. 8. 31:

Now Jolla C reports that Band 7 and 20 are supported. Although it now sees the LTE networks in Band 20, I don't have SIM cards right now so I couldn't check whether it really connects atm. Looks like others have success reports.

UECapabilityInformation with Band 7, 20

Update 2016. 9. 1:

Jolla C picks up Vodafone DE network utilizing Band 20. About other LTE failures, as far as I know simultaneously catching LTE for both SIM slots are not possible. I would suggest configuring network preferences if you have problems.

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Nice work!

attah ( 2016-07-29 15:45:35 +0200 )edit

Do you think it's a hardware problem?

Dreej ( 2016-07-29 17:48:48 +0200 )edit

@Dreej: Not entirely. Maybe the hardware itself can support B7/B20, but the baseband firmware didn't enabled that bands. I hope that this is just a baseband firmware issue, otherwise it would be a big problem.

peremen ( 2016-07-29 17:58:20 +0200 )edit Aurajoki update still do not fixed baseband issue.

peremen ( 2016-07-31 13:46:34 +0200 )edit

This is the answer!

Jolla C informs supported bands and those are the frequencies Mobile Network can then "allocate" to it when available.

So if Jolla C does not inform it supports B7/B20 it will never get them. Hopefully this Is something that Jolla can fix.

(In general - Do not try to force Jolla to LTE if you don't get it. You just end up with bad network coverage. Mobile Network is (or should be) optimized in a way that everybody get best performance.)

Thanks for @peremen for tracing and testing this! :)

KylliOrvokki ( 2016-08-01 13:44:15 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-07-11 11:36:00 +0200

James gravatar image


Thank you for noticing a potential issue!

I can't comment at the moment as the case is now under investigation.

I will get back to this as soon as I have an answer. (Please feel free to remind me via Twitter in a week or so!)

Cheers, James

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Since I live in some kind of a 2G/3G/4G cell-handover black hole in the middle of Munich, I would love to help investigating this issue. Anyhow I am still waiting for the JollaC....any news about shipping? :-)

lupastro ( 2016-07-11 12:17:18 +0200 )edit

Could I suggest adding a counter to a community page under the jolla.com domain?

The above mentioned issue would qualify for that counter/list, imho.

vattuvarg ( 2016-07-11 12:19:00 +0200 )edit

@lupastro: Yeah let's see how things go forward with this issue! It has been unknown to us. About shipping, it should be delivered in July as promised, no exact date of course since it depends on where you live and many more factors.

James ( 2016-07-11 14:01:24 +0200 )edit

@vattuvarg: That could be a good solution, however I'm not the one making decisions so I'll have to pass this suggestion forward :) Thanks!

James ( 2016-07-11 14:02:17 +0200 )edit

The idea of the community project is to further the community. For that to work properly there needs to be feedback. The most logical place to add such a page is the jolla blog site. Just add a number (with a tiny label) in one of the corners. It would be an incentive to visit the blog. Maybe it could increase the frequency of posts too... nudge nudge

vattuvarg ( 2016-07-11 14:26:08 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-07-18 15:14:17 +0200

Same issue here. I work in Paris city center with a very good 4G coverage, I have a Jolla 1 ( and received my Jolla C today ( With the same simcard on the Orange France network, I have 4G on the Jolla 1 and 3G only on the Jolla C. Here is what I get from ofono:

On the Jolla C:

[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.ofono /ril_0 org.ofono.NetworkRegistration.GetProperties
method return sender=:1.7 -> dest=:1.92 reply_serial=2
   array [
      dict entry(
         string "Status"
         variant             string "registered"
      dict entry(
         string "Mode"
         variant             string "auto"
      dict entry(
         string "LocationAreaCode"
         variant             uint16 25094
      dict entry(
         string "CellId"
         variant             uint32 962027
      dict entry(
         string "Technology"
         variant             string "umts"
      dict entry(
         string "MobileCountryCode"
         variant             string "208"
      dict entry(
         string "MobileNetworkCode"
         variant             string "01"
      dict entry(
         string "Name"
         variant             string "Orange F"
      dict entry(
         string "Strength"
         variant             byte 38
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.ofono /ril_0 org.ofono.RadioSettings.GetProperties
method return sender=:1.7 -> dest=:1.93 reply_serial=2
   array [
      dict entry(
         string "TechnologyPreference"
         variant             string "lte"
      dict entry(
         string "AvailableTechnologies"
         variant             array [
               string "gsm"
               string "umts"
               string "lte"

On the Jolla 1:

[nemo@Jolla ~]$ dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.ofono /ril_0 org.ofono.NetworkRegistration.GetProperties
method return sender=:1.8 -> dest=:1.182 reply_serial=2
   array [
      dict entry(
         string "Status"
         variant             string "registered"
      dict entry(
         string "Mode"
         variant             string "auto"
      dict entry(
         string "CellId"
         variant             uint32 23987969
      dict entry(
         string "Technology"
         variant             string "lte"
      dict entry(
         string "MobileCountryCode"
         variant             string "208"
      dict entry(
         string "MobileNetworkCode"
         variant             string "01"
      dict entry(
         string "Name"
         variant             string "Orange F"
      dict entry(
         string "Strength"
         variant             byte 64

dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.ofono /ril_0 org.ofono.RadioSettings.GetProperties
method return sender=:1.8 -> dest=:1.184 reply_serial=2
   array [
      dict entry(
         string "TechnologyPreference"
         variant             string "any"

I am available to test more commands if needed ;)

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Please note also that the CSD 4G test fails

Pimpreneil ( 2016-07-18 20:59:13 +0200 )edit

The CSD "SIM card" test fails as well. I don't know if it is because I only have one sim card inserted or if my simcard is faulty

Pimpreneil ( 2016-07-18 21:13:41 +0200 )edit

I have the same problem. I have tried with two different operators but without success. Jolla1 has good 4G coverage on the same location. CSD test for 4G: Fail SIM card: Pass

speactra ( 2016-07-18 21:35:51 +0200 )edit

I have the same problem. No LTE G4 in Telia network , we have bands 3/7/20 as in Jolla C specs

Peeter ( 2016-07-19 09:48:31 +0200 )edit

confirmed on Telia as well.

Swl ( 2016-07-19 12:45:47 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-08-04 17:22:55 +0200

MoritzJT gravatar image

Why does the LTE situation with Jolla C no longer specify as a bug? @jiit Will we hear about a missing implementation or even worse, having to send in the devices for subsequent delivery? :-O

I hope it's not a missing configuration that will not be deployed via software update.

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But it is a bug after all, no reason to think otherwise ;) Our developers are working on it and I hope we will come up with a solution.

jiit ( 2016-08-05 10:27:03 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-07-20 19:59:53 +0200

mosen gravatar image

updated 2016-09-01 14:36:17 +0200

Same issue, in my case its Düsseldorf region, i never had 4G during the 2 days i use Jolla C with E-Plus and Vodafone Sims operating in Dualsim. What to report so we can help debugging?

EDIT: Solved by update!

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I am afraid to put my 4G SIM into Jolla C and see it fail!

Fails to go LTE 4G on o2 in Aachen, Germany

MoritzJT ( 2016-07-20 20:02:23 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-07-25 12:13:32 +0200

evo3de gravatar image

updated 2016-09-01 14:40:35 +0200

Same issue here at area of nuremberg, operator "O2" @Germany

Edit: Update to fixed it

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answered 2016-08-31 12:39:19 +0200

Dreej gravatar image

updated 2016-08-31 12:40:26 +0200

Dear Jolla team, do you have any update for this issue? the announced update is still not provided. I thought the fix already exists... please roll out the fix without any other fixes. first priority should be a properly working phone with functioning basics. thank you

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I can see the update from my Jolla 1 with "early access", but not from my Aqua Fish where I need it.

1chb ( 2016-09-05 23:09:17 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-07-29 10:23:39 +0200

Dreej gravatar image

It seems that is a bigger problem. after updating Jolla 1 and Jolla C to, I still have the same issue. Jolla 1 good LTE connection. Jolla C nothing, Only 2G. Vodafone Germany with the same number, (twin card) rural region

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same here, vodefone and o2 cards, same region ;-)

hwesselmann ( 2016-07-29 10:49:25 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-08-02 11:16:19 +0200

sjtoik gravatar image

Could this be the reason for battery drain I'm experiencing with Jolla C with two SIM cards from the same operator? I noticed, that the screen lits up occasionally and displayed "Connected" message. After upgrade to Aurajoki screen doesn't wake up anymore, but it appears that the bandwidth miss match is still existing and could end up keeping both radios on for the most of the time.

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The internet connection also freezes randomly. Can't confim if this is a DNS issue or something else, but restarting network connections from the settings doesn't recover the situation. Calls come trough, but those are sent over 3G anyway.

sjtoik ( 2016-08-10 09:49:25 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2016-06-29 11:08:53 +0200

Seen: 11,798 times

Last updated: Oct 27 '16