Exchange Sync schedule issue in
If I set a custom sync schedule for my exchange account the Peak start and end times keep changing after being set and accepted.
- I set start time for 8:30 and end for 18:30
- Accept both, and these are displayed correctly.
- Once I swipe left to the Accounts listing and reselect my exchange a/c both times have gone back two hours.
- Each subsequent selection and swipe back of my exchange a/c causes a further one hour decrement.
My time is updated by the network, my tz is set to GMT (+Daylight savings)
Still an issue in EA on Jolla C
Still an issue in EA on Jolla C
Still an issue in EA on Jolla C
I would take out from the title and add a tag with latest OS version you can observe the problem on ( in this case). This way it's easier to track bugs which still occur on latest SFOS versions. Just an idea :)
molan ( 2017-02-10 12:14:55 +0200 )edit