[Fixed] How to update device with in 2016?
Since my day-to-day jolla device is nearing its physical end-of-life I decided to finally activate my spare device from 2013.
While it boots perfectly fine, I am not able to pair it with my Jolla account nor install any updates. I am not even able to create a new Jolla accounts since it already fails to check if the username is available.
I fear that somehow the URLs have been changed. So what other options do I have to upgrade my device to a recent version of Sailfish OS?
Wow. That really shouldn't happen. The idea of a sole spare device is clever, sometimes I also use this tactic.
In fact I only can imagine two things which could break due long time usage, battery and USB-Port. Other physically stressed parts doesn't exist, no fan, no hard-drive or anything similiar. Is it the USB-Port? The battery is replaceable.
Yes in practice the FLASH-Memory could turn into read-only mode after a half million writes +/- x writes to every cell, but I don't think it is possible within a decade.
PS: My USB-Port seems to wear out already and my Jolla is just 19 months old.
hoschi ( 2016-07-30 22:33:36 +0200 )editYou forgot gravitation. I dropped the phone a couple of times (also have kids to do this for me). While it took the shocks pretty good I have a crack in the glass and one of the pins connecting the battery has been pushed into the case so now I often I have reboots through low voltage.
I think I will do some adjustments to the phone, but since I need a working phone I want to switch over to my spare device and use the old one for further tinkering. :)
softmetz ( 2016-07-30 23:35:55 +0200 )editOh that dropping thing is nasty. You don't need kids for this. I'm pretty sure that gravity thing hates Jollas in general. The manual should clearly state the a Jolla should be used only on board of the ISS, Sojus and the upcoming Orion MPCV. Look at their old ThinkPads...okay, ThinkPads are blessed ;)
hoschi ( 2016-07-31 01:18:23 +0200 )edit