Cannot disable SMS in Android messenger [released]
My problem: Since there is no native Facebook messaging (apart from the telepaty-haze implementation which unfortunately does not support group messages) I started using the Android Messenger app. The app works fine, message notifications arrive to my event screen. But SMS messages also appear in the android Messenger app. It is pretty annoying to get duplicate notifications on each of my text messages (one from the Sailfish messages app and one from the android app). I found an option in the android Messenger app to disable sms messages but this is what happens: 1. an android notification appears to "Choose another default SMS app in System Settings to stop sending SMS in Messenger - Go to settings" 2. I click on "Go to settings" and I get an ugly alert box saying: "Unsupported action - That action is not currently supported".
How can I disable getting SMS messages in the Messenger app?
Why is this a "bug" if you are using a crappy, creepy and pervasive android app where you can't turn off SMS notifications? I'm not sure how to fix that, but a lot of android settings are stored in
bomo ( 2016-08-10 13:45:57 +0200 )edit/data/data/
maybe you can use your favorite sqlite editor etc. and check what the correct setting for android's default SMS app etc. is.There is no such file on my Jolla C.
only contains a directory calledmedia
:I call it a bug because I am pretty sure that the Messenger app works fine on an android phone, you can turn off sms messges there. But it does not work in the android engine of Sailfish, hence something is wrong with Jolla's aliendalvik. It seems that this default sms app handling is not implemented correctly (or at all) in aliendalvik.
cuh7b5 ( 2016-08-10 14:20:24 +0200 )editas its an android file, you should look for that in
. Turning off the notification is a 'android settings' thing which apparently do not exist in aliendalvik. There no 'not implemented correctly' for these android settings, there is just no GUI to handle those. That's why you have to do it manually.EDIT: note that the settings is not necessarily stored in the above mentioned DB (it was just a guess), you should also check all other DBs in the
bomo ( 2016-08-10 14:36:55 +0200 )edit/opt/alien/