[just to talk] iOS 10: ten -inspired- news [not relevant]
Just a thinking, just an opinion, but when I saw Apple's iOS 10 ten news, I couldn't keep from noticing something familiar:
1) Notifications' lockscreen: swiping left-right.. What? MeeGo already did that way!!
2) Control Center: OMG, what news!!
3) Siri 3rd party integration: thinking about an integrated system..? Something is waking my mind ;)
4) Keyboard's multilanguage suggestions: ehm.. iOS still didn't have it, really? We have!
5) Photos: facial recognition and album by tags.. What? MeeGo did it better!
6) Maps: ok, we miss it!
7) Music: I've not understood what's new..
8) Home Kit: another smart system integration.. Well.. We could do it better!!
9) Smart messages: please, don't be inspired!
10) Delete pre-installed apps: I have a question: why do we need pre-installed apps to be unistalled? Sailfish, I love you!
I won't tag or ask anything with this post, just a THANK YOU to the MeeGo (first) and Sailfish (now) staff!
Well, it just looks like iOS is following the very same path as before... (And why not, it has indeed served them well before);
They take the best features from rival OS'es & devices and then sell them to captive audience while loudly advertizing how new, exiting and revolutionary they are.
And the money keeps on flowing in... :)
juiceme ( 2016-08-15 20:26:29 +0200 )editOf course! They sell others' ideas better :D
palikao ( 2016-08-16 11:14:56 +0200 )editWe do? ;)
(OK, OK, two of the three kbd languages I use do. But the third one does not!)
pichlo ( 2016-08-25 20:57:46 +0200 )edit@pichlo We don't :/ it's something similar to Swype keyboard on Android/iOS, which lets you use two dictionaries without switching keyboard.
I honestly miss the point with this thread.
fravaccaro ( 2016-08-25 22:53:25 +0200 )editKhmm... The tagging (or even grouping to albums) of the photos is still a painfully missing feature in the SFOS....
martonmiklos ( 2016-08-26 14:24:28 +0200 )edit