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Cannot mute tap sound for Android apps

asked 2016-08-15 18:15:41 +0200

Federico gravatar image

updated 2017-08-29 22:15:21 +0200

On a Jolla C with (EDIT: still present in 2.1.1), there is a loud 'click' sound whenever I tap buttons in an Android app. Touch screen tones are disabled in settings->sounds and feedback (and indeed native Sailfish apps make no sound). If I set the global volume of the phone to 0% they disappear, but of course this has other unwanted side effects (for instance, no ringtones at all).

Why do Android apps not honor this setting? Is there a separate setting for them?

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I have the same behaviour on the Aquafish on

richdb ( 2016-11-23 12:51:53 +0200 )edit

With EA on JollaC I have also "unmutable" touch screen tones in Android apps.

rincewind ( 2017-07-26 20:43:41 +0200 )edit

6 Answers

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answered 2016-08-15 22:29:22 +0200

Federico gravatar image

updated 2017-08-29 22:17:10 +0200

(Converted to an answer) For the benefit of other people having the same problem: I managed to silence the sound by deleting or renaming the Effett_Tick.ogg file in /opt/alien/system/media/audio/ui, but of course it is only a crude hack and not a real solution.

Note that the file reappears automagically after every OS update, so you'll have to delete it again each time.

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when trying to delete I get permission denied ...

rfa ( 2017-11-10 10:40:40 +0200 )edit

@rfa I had the same issue, even "Filecase root" isn't able to delete or rename. However, it works with the terminal. Activate developer mode and set a ssh password. Open terminal, get admin-rights by devel-su and navigate to the desired folder (up by cd .., down by cd foldername) . Then rename, e.g. by mv Effect_Tick.ogg Effect_Tick2.ogg. exit terminal. Restart phone.

Spark ( 2018-04-01 21:02:14 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-03-27 07:11:27 +0200

monkeyisland gravatar image

Thank you. But is there a chance to fix it with updates? On Jolla 1 / Tablet i have no clickings since last E.A. update

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answered 2020-03-06 23:20:04 +0200

Sebix gravatar image

updated 2020-03-15 19:27:09 +0200

This only works with AlienDalvik version 8, used in Xperia XA2 & 10, not on Jolla1 and Xperia X!

The Android Layer has it's own setting an the setting is not synced. To disable the touch screen tones and change similar settings you can do the following:

Open Settings > Apps, then choose any Android based App, then click Open Android™ settings. A new window opens, click the back button on the bottom. The app minimizes and is visible on home screen, tap it to open again. You are now in the Android settings. Choose Sound and then Advanced. Check Touch sounds.

Android settings Android advanced sound settings

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Thanks for the hint, good find! Leszek Lesner also just posted something similar https://youtu.be/6Amrr766crc .

Works however only for the XA2 / 10 generation with the newer Android implementation. Android 4.x AlienDalviks don't have Android settings menues.

Spark ( 2020-03-07 12:08:12 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-03-04 22:21:07 +0200

Spark gravatar image

updated 2018-03-04 22:21:50 +0200

I want to push up that topic since it still seems not to be solved. Newly installed Sailfish X on version in my case. I never had that behavior on the Jolla1 however.

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answered 2019-12-18 23:41:59 +0200

wojtek14 gravatar image

updated 2019-12-18 23:58:35 +0200

Problem reappears in Sailfish X 3.2.1 on Xperia XA2, how to mute it?

edit: found the solution by using Aliendalvik Control from openrepos

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I don’t think it ’s a problem, it's different from the previous problem, this time you can turn down the volume instead of mute. You can also disable it in Android settings.

xbt123ufo ( 2019-12-19 02:05:32 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-03-07 17:32:59 +0200

olf gravatar image

updated 2020-03-07 17:33:44 +0200

AlienDalvik Control has a setting Touch sounds, with which Android's audio feedback for touch events can be muted on all devices.

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Asked: 2016-08-15 18:15:41 +0200

Seen: 1,970 times

Last updated: Mar 15 '20