Mirror/Push Notifications Similar to AirDroid/PushBullet
asked 2016-08-18 12:24:55 +0200

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If AirDroid/PushBullet fix is available it would be great or if there is an alternative application. Kind of handicapped with this app not working on my new Jolla phone.
This is the latest version i have downloaded and this works well with previous Android phone.
- Air Mirror Notifications (Error- Unsupported Action-That action is currently not supported)
- Location Access (Error- Unsupported Action-That action is currently not supported)
- Create a test notification (Error- Unsupported Action-That action is currently not supported)
I have tried AirDroid,PushBullet,Sendsms, AirMore, all seem to have a similar issue with Sailfish OS. Notifications to be available on system on the same Wi-Fi network is a handy feature. Specially for Calls,SMS & App Notifications. it assists in better productivity.
Well, Sailfish is not Android, and the notification system is different. Thus it comes as no surprise to me the Android app doesn't work. However, it should be quite possible to implement a native client. I do not know if one exists.
attah ( 2016-08-19 17:35:34 +0200 )editWell, for starters there are the Peble smartwatch apps, so yes, it is really much possible.
jollailija ( 2016-08-20 09:14:14 +0200 )edit