ssu correct use (privileges)

asked 2016-08-24 09:52:07 +0300

gfwp gravatar image

hi volks,


ssu release version --dup

Is it correct to use these commands without devel-su privileges?

This question jumped into my mind. IIRC I've run it without prior escalation to root privilege and it worked. I feel this as a strange behaviour and I fear that my problems (SIM, Exchange, downgrade request to are just related to permissions problems.


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Strangely and unfortunately, the package management (ssu, pkcon, zypper) in Sailfish does not require root privileges. I and many others see it as a serious bug and a security concern but Jolla is clearly not bothered.

Your problems are unlikely to be related. I have been lucky so far but if you read the forum, you will see a lot of people who upgraded the "approved" way through the GUI reporting similar problems.

pichlo ( 2016-08-24 10:04:15 +0300 )edit

I wondered this too. I also have this downgrade request and wondered whether it results from the experience I related in this thread. I naturally escalated to root privilege to do that (at the time I thought su-devel was jolla's equivalent to sudo) but didn't on the dup commands - which doesn't feel right.

DaveRo ( 2016-08-24 12:33:13 +0300 )edit