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Complaint related to LTE (India) [duplicate]

asked 2016-09-08 16:09:11 +0200

Murtazap53 gravatar image

updated 2016-09-13 17:23:26 +0200

sifartech gravatar image

I brought Intex Aqua Fish containg sailfish OS. I have problems related to 4G internet. Recently I bought the jio sim. I am getting the network in my phone but when i enable the data connection its says "Problem with Connection". I cannot Even call using it. Please solve my issue fast.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "duplicate question" by misc11
close date 2016-09-08 16:49:21.584070


Can you call with it if you set it to use 3G or 2G only?

jollailija ( 2016-09-08 16:20:08 +0200 )edit

Please join this discussion and ask for VoLTE feature here.

sifartech ( 2016-09-13 17:24:44 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2016-09-08 16:33:23 +0200

till gravatar image

updated 2016-09-08 16:35:12 +0200

your question was already asked here: https://together.jolla.com/question/143534/india-does-intex-aqua-fish-support-jio-lte-network/

As far as I understood, the jio network only supports 4G, and thus requires a VoLTE-capable phone (which no Sailfish phone is right now) or a special app

Edit: can you please stop posting the same question several times and stick to the existing thread?

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but i tried airtel sim in my phone and airtal 4g was not working in my phone

Murtazap53 ( 2016-09-08 18:41:34 +0200 )edit

according to this list, the airtel bands should be supported by the Aqua Fish. have you checked that there is coverage in your area, and have you checked the mobile network settings?

till ( 2016-09-08 18:57:29 +0200 )edit

@Murtazap53 - Please see this discussion also - https://together.jolla.com/question/143807/strange-problem-in-mobile-network/ - as it is also deals with 4g issues on Aqua Fish.

sifartech ( 2016-09-08 23:21:25 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2016-09-08 16:09:11 +0200

Seen: 232 times

Last updated: Sep 08 '16