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Google Play Easy Install On Intex

asked 2016-09-14 17:06:30 +0200

motubha gravatar image

updated 2018-12-03 20:31:12 +0200

Tanghus gravatar image

there is play services(store) pre-installed in intex aquafish. I have launched(and work) it succsecfully without any root/terminal process. here are the steps.

  1. first update play store, service to latest in any android device(my android 4.4.4)
  2. back up that app using any backup application. ( I used Es file explorer )
  3. now transfer play store . apk ( whatever name is) and sevice.apk to intex aquafish.
  4. now manually install(update) that apk.
  5. there is no icon available in home screen.
  6. Install ES file explorer(android app) in intex
  7. go to Es file explorer in intex and tap on android robot icon at right upper corner in Es file explorer.
  8. there select show system app. now u can find play store icon in file browser.
  9. tap it and u find option to open it. just that.

if anyone find how to add icon on menu are welcome. thanks.

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please contribute to the original play store thread, closing as duplicate

chemist ( 2016-09-15 16:32:19 +0200 )edit

@chemist the original play store thread(your thread) [HowTo] Install Gapps (gplay google play) KK on Tablet or C ,is not about intex(though may related). if u thing I should contribute there first u should change the title. like PLAY STORE ON SAILFISHOS ( general(global) not specific like on tablet or c). moreover my thread is related not the same. it should be bundle with your thread not mark as duplicate. and the site has limitation no option(way) to bundle related questions(not similar).

motubha ( 2016-09-20 11:39:11 +0200 )edit

@motubha the JollaC and the Intex are the same device but configuration files for intex (such as preinstalled gservices but no gapps iirc) - we had the struggle about disappearing store icon at JollaTablet and JollaC at first too. Also, if you take any gapps later than what suggested you get all sorts of issues, so from my point of view this is a guide by fileexplorer and importing fromanother device (I do not have android devices in a specific flavour) instead of CLI (imho a duplicate, add it as answer to the other thread).

chemist ( 2016-09-20 12:11:29 +0200 )edit

@chemist I do not have any issues from gapps latter downloaded from play store. I did not strictly suggest about any android flavor. I just informed the flavor I had used. anyone can try with any flavor.

motubha ( 2016-09-20 13:02:56 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2016-09-15 14:30:25 +0200

dreamer gravatar image

In Intex aquafish clearing the content of /mnt/vendor_data/apk/apk-icon-blacklist.txt (reboot required) creates playstore and gsetting icon on sailfish menu.

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motubha ( 2016-09-20 11:43:08 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-09-14 23:17:01 +0200

r0kk3rz gravatar image

Play store icon instructions


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motubha ( 2016-09-20 11:43:18 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2016-09-14 17:06:30 +0200

Seen: 1,820 times

Last updated: Sep 15 '16