Flashlight not available when using video [answered]
As per the title, I don't have the option to use the flashlight when shooting video.
When using the video camera, I'm not offered any flash options, just a symbol labelled "Flash off" (lightning strike with diagonal line through it - a fixed setting).
Apparently, this was released in Aurajoki but I didn't have the option then. I have just updated to Fiskarsinjoki and the option is still not available (not that it was mentioned in release notes).
I thought removing and reinstalling jolla-camera may help, but it didn't. Why is my camera app missing this option?
Strange, works for me in 2.0.2 at least.
nthn ( 2016-10-05 19:53:51 +0200 )editWorks on my (Jolla C) with Aurajoki and Fiskarsinjoki
olli ( 2016-10-05 21:43:18 +0200 )edityou can use use powermenu2 flashlight during recording a video
coderus ( 2016-10-05 23:05:58 +0200 )editWho voted down?, say why!, what's the point in down voting if you're not going to state why?....Jeeez, there really are some aholes about.
Spam Hunter ( 2016-10-05 23:23:20 +0200 )editI totally agree. Downvoting an answer is one thing but downvoting a question? It just makes no sense at all!
pichlo ( 2016-10-06 09:28:21 +0200 )edit