Missing apps in Jolla Store (repository of Intex Aqua Fish removed) [answered]
Hi folks,
when I bought Intex Aqua Fish after I unboxing it I uninstall Intex blob from my phone and then I deactivated intex repository like it saying here: https://together.jolla.com/question/139540/how-to-removing-intex-content-from-aqua-fish/
After some time, came, and I updated it in EA via ssu re
and version --dup
. Everything was ok, Jolla Store worked as expected, I found no main issue.
But yesterday, I've tried to update my AF to Update to newer version was without problem, but when I went to Jolla Store, "My Apps" containt just 2 apps :-O.
Then I searched here and found some newer comments from "Keto": https://together.jolla.com/question/139540/how-to-removing-intex-content-from-aqua-fish/?answer=145218#post-id-145218
That I shouldn't uninstall sailfish-content-configuration-intex
package from my phone. Unfortunatelly maybe I removed sailfish-content-configuration-intex
package (I'm not sure, but maybe yes, because now it's not in my installed packages).
Now I'm back from to and apps still missing. Repository is missing to.
So I would like to ask someone, who has Intex Aqua Fish and still doesn't remove content of Intex blob if s/he can put here specific URL and name of the repository.
I'll try to add that repo via ssu ar name_of_repo http://repository.of.intex.probably.com/
and I'll hope that this package I'll install back again.
You can put output here from:
ssu lr | grep intex
Thank you for help.
After coderus answer: https://together.jolla.com/question/147438/repository-of-intex-aqua-fish/?answer=147459#post-id-147459 I've added repo (for and then after update pkcon I tried to install sailfish-content-configuration-intex
, unfortunately there is conflict with package sailfish -content-apps-configs
So looks, that I have to delete sailfish -content-apps-configs
and hope, that it won't break something else and no other dependencies will be on it.
[root@Sailfish nemo]# pkcon install sailfish-content-configuration-intex
Waiting in queue
Refreshing software list
Resolving dependencies
Fatal error: sailfish-content-configuration-intex- conflicts with sailfish-content-apps-default-configs provided by sailfish-content-apps-default-configs-0.7.6-10.58.1.jolla.noarch
I delete sailfish-content-apps-configs
and install sailfish-content-configuration-intex
package, after reboot and refresh and rebuild app registry from Sailfish utilities, problem still persists :(
So no apps visible in "My apps" in Jolla Store.
Is there any way, how to fix it?
After @coderus note I should reinstall pkcon install ssu-vendor-data-jolla
package, because my Intex Aqua Fish was specified like this:
[root@Sailfish nemo]# ssu s
Device registration status: not registered
Device model: Sailfish L500D (l500d / L500D)
Device UID: 911514801114425
After reinstalling ssu-vendor-data-jolla
it's now correct:
[root@Sailfish nemo]# ssu s
Device registration status: not registered
Device model: Intex Aqua Fish (l500d / Aqua Fish)
Device UID: 911514801114425
Domain: sales
And finally I can see all my apps in Jolla Store ;).
If you reset the device?
Kollin ( 2016-10-07 00:05:28 +0200 )This should be done via adding repo command, why to reset device? Maybe it'll be my last hope ;)
tom.i ( 2016-10-07 00:07:28 +0200 )OK! ;) ;) ;)
Kollin ( 2016-10-07 00:46:52 +0200 )@Kolin - you know.. it's a toy for me ;)
tom.i ( 2016-10-07 10:02:57 +0200 )mark it solved and edit title please :)
coderus ( 2016-10-08 12:46:25 +0200 )