Jolla1 SailfishOS v2.0.2.51 Funtionality issues after inactivity
Hello all,
As mentioned in the title, I have a 1st gen Jolla with SailfishOS v2.0.2.51. The problem I keep having with the phone is, after some hours of inactivity (for example if I leave the phone laying somewhere for like 4 hours) when I want to use the phone for something it's like the phone has "lost" the SIM card. SMS, telephoning, and mobile data are all impossible until I restart the entire device. The mobile data button in the GUI is also "grayed out" when this happens, and switching the Jolla into Airplane Mode and back to Normal Mode doesn't rectify the issue.
Once the device has been powered off and back on again, I enter the SIM PIN as normal and functionality is restored, until the next period of inactivity. I do not have a specific time frame to report after which this happens unfortunately. It has happened easily 25 times since I last upgraded SailfishOS. My boss uses the same phone & SailfishOS version and has the exact same problem with his, so it doesn't apear to be just my phone being wonky.
We both have SIMs from Vodafone DE. The problem itself isn't absolutely devastating however it is mildly irritating to have to reboot the device 2-3 times a day just so it'll continue working as intended.
AquaFish here, happens once in a awhile with me too. In my case, SIM 1 can't register to any network. If network is searched manually, no network names show up either. Restarting network connections from sailfish utilities couldn't fix, but a restart did.
lal ( 2016-10-17 14:33:40 +0200 )editI did not observe this problem with my french SIM from the operator "Free", while being in France. Now I have the same problem in Sweden with the same french SIM card. I did not have these problems the last few times I have been in Sweden.
martin ( 2016-10-17 16:19:55 +0200 )editCan it be a dusty connector of SIM? I don't know how restarting can help here, but it worth to try to make them clean in any case.
Valerij ( 2016-10-17 21:53:26 +0200 )edit