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[Survey] Which patches would make sense for upstream

asked 2016-10-21 17:11:10 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

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updated 2018-07-06 13:24:03 +0200

olf gravatar image

Hi folks,

coming from another thread where we discuss patches vs. updates (here), I wanted to start a survey which patches would make sense for upstream? -> Which patches should become part of the SFOS Settings.

There are so many good patches some that really change the usability of SFOS in a great way. So lets collect which are the most famous ones.

For those who need an overview, here are the lists of patches:
https://coderus.openrepos.net/pm2/projects/ for patches from Patchmanager's web-catalog and
https://openrepos.net/search/nod/patch for RPM patches.

Post your favorites as answer, the most upvoted I will collect here in the OP.

Edit: Now it's a wiki... :-)

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TOTALLY aggre ! I just can't understand how Jolla think about updates. They never give settings to the users when new features comes, they only choose for them.

malibu1106 ( 2016-10-21 17:43:31 +0200 )edit

@PatsJolla I woud like to see one survery more: "which patches did you used on jolla OS 1", because it would give all an overview, how use-cases changed, so even Jolla can see how the use of the phone changed after redesign the UI complete. The patch as answer and vote if someone used it. I think there was not so heavy use of patches at all...

poddl ( 2016-10-21 18:19:53 +0200 )edit

I'd like to vote for "Jolla should not add any more choices to the settings". Once it's an official feature, it's behaviour with each of the possible choices needs to be tested for each new software release. I'd rather not have Jolla's limited ressources be spent on this as long as more basic functionality is missing and the intended behaviour can be achieved through patches anyway.

ossi1967 ( 2016-10-21 18:22:42 +0200 )edit

I think this question and all answers should be labeled as community wiki. Beside this I agree with @ossi1967.

silta ( 2016-10-21 18:47:33 +0200 )edit

I agree with @ossi1967. That said, some features like swipe to lock were removed for no good reason, because the ambience switcher is completely useless, and it would be good to have these back. I'd just get rid of the ambience switcher altogether, but I'd already be happy with just an option to re-enable swipe to lock.

nthn ( 2016-10-22 01:05:41 +0200 )edit

53 Answers

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answered 2016-10-21 20:20:49 +0200

inta gravatar image

Vibrate when connected (from base patches)

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answered 2016-10-21 19:23:18 +0200

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updated 2016-10-21 20:50:24 +0200

pawel gravatar image

swipe to lock https://openrepos.net/content/billyhalley/patch-custom-power-menu-swipe-lock

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answered 2016-10-22 23:04:22 +0200

poddl gravatar image

Settings for Messages layout by alina

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Would be also nice if status is displayed (the information is available, but is not displayed yet) https://together.jolla.com/question/13466/add-receivedread-status-for-xmpp/

DLQ ( 2016-10-23 14:52:23 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-10-21 18:53:01 +0200

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updated 2016-10-21 18:53:01 +0200

Fuzzillogic gravatar image

Don't steal focus

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answered 2016-10-22 13:22:07 +0200

danfin gravatar image

return old (button style, pulley menu, remorse item animation, remorse popup) for those preferring the unlike look. by Ancelad

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These could be parts of ambience.

hsjpekka ( 2016-11-07 08:12:55 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-10-21 17:47:42 +0200

malibu1106 gravatar image

updated 2016-10-22 15:56:48 +0200

A switch in settings would be great.

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answered 2016-10-21 18:49:16 +0200

danfin gravatar image

restore old pulley menu

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answered 2016-10-21 19:06:49 +0200

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updated 2016-10-21 19:06:49 +0200

eson gravatar image

Volume control settings

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answered 2016-10-21 19:25:21 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2016-10-21 20:51:01 +0200

pawel gravatar image

event view control ancelad


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answered 2016-10-22 23:06:42 +0200

poddl gravatar image

Return old remorse item animation by Ancelad

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Asked: 2016-10-21 17:11:10 +0200

Seen: 6,155 times

Last updated: Sep 09 '19