4G issues Jolla C
asked 2016-11-07 08:30:20 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
After the update to rather frequent 4G issues appear, the phone connects to 4G, but the connection is not working, and under the Settings | Mobile network | Carrier name connection status is reported as “Limited connectivity”, after switching to 3G it works, and after couple of minutes reliable connection with 3G switching back to 4G it then works. In the described way 4G sometimes refuses to work after the mobile data is started anew (in the working phone, or the same after reboot), or after 4G tries to resume after the phone call.
Other bugs in previous releases, when the 4G connection issues used to break all gsm connection and even Phone and messaging seems have been fixed.
Phone Jolla C