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One should have the option to write a sys-backup directly on SD card or network location.... [duplicate]

asked 2014-01-15 09:43:49 +0200

launchpad gravatar image

updated 2014-01-15 11:14:40 +0200

foss4ever gravatar image

Usually Sailfishes' backup-function will write the phone's backup file into the /.vault WHICH IN TURN BECOMES OVERWRITTEN ON A "FACTORY-RESET". So you have to move it by by hand (e.g. via PC) from the .vault to your SD-card ... and backwards after reset install. This would great - I know, my usual comparison ;-) - having the option as on the N900 of choosing at least the SD-card as a backup-file-location. I wouldn't mind having implemented options for other (network/cloud) locations as well ... Thanks !

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The question has been closed for the following reason "duplicate question" by foss4ever
close date 2014-01-15 11:24:10.697292


Or possibility to choose contacts, calendar, accounts backup to sd-card

algirdukas ( 2014-01-15 10:53:22 +0200 )edit

@algirdukas The system backup tool already lets you choose what to backup, but it doesn't let you choose the backups location.

foss4ever ( 2014-01-15 11:10:41 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2014-01-15 11:13:51 +0200

foss4ever gravatar image

Duplicate of this question seems to be here; https://together.jolla.com/question/4288/save-backup-to-pc-or-sd-card/

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answered 2014-01-15 11:15:29 +0200

algirdukas gravatar image

"The system backup tool already lets you choose what to backup, but it doesn't let you choose the backups location." yes but if you do full reset of device, backup no remain on Jolla , so it looks like no usable option this backup.

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You just can't copy my comment as an answer (which it wasn't to the original question) and also the answer box is not a place to interact but posting comnents is. Seems that you didn't realize that my comnent was a reply to you, and not to this question (which is going to be closed anyway cause I found out that this is a duplicate).

foss4ever ( 2014-01-15 11:19:57 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2014-01-15 09:43:49 +0200

Seen: 405 times

Last updated: Jan 15 '14