2016-11-10 16:13:45 +0200
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I was wondering about the same!
Unfortunately I have not found any schematic available for the device, but!
There is a leaked confidential schematic available on the FCC's website from a Qualcomm reference design which looks pretty similar to the device:
On the lower right part of the pg. 27 you can see how they implemented the Breathe LED.
Qualcomm folks was funny, they used a PN for the I2C LED driver which is hardly known by the google.
But with some Google-fu it could be identified as an 31FL3191 from ISSI.
However the by listing the I2C devices an aw2013 is the most LED driver looking device which should be an RGB driver.
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 1-000d/name
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 1-0018/name
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 1-0023/name
ltr553 # light sensor
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 1-002d/name
qmc7983 # FM radio?
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 1-0045/name
aw2013 # RGB LED driver
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 1-0048/name
stk3x1x # poximity
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 1-0068/name
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 2-002b/name
pn544 # NFC
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 3-0001/name
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 3-0002/name
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 3-0018/name
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 3-0042/name
gc0310 # cam
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 5-0038/name
5x06 # touch
[root@Sailfish devices]# cat 5-005d/name
gt9xx # touch
A schematic including an AW2013 driver can be found here:
I don't think it would be possible, a multicolor led would need 4 instead of 2 power lines on the PCB, not to speak about circuits to control it. And if not planned from the beginning, I doubt you can add those things.
till ( 2016-11-10 12:29:20 +0200 )edit