Jolla C: main camera shows no live picture and stays black
Occasionally it happens that the main camera will not show a live picture. Instead it stays black and no picture can be taken at all. The front camera still works though. I cannot reproduce it willingly, it happens randomly (and as Murphy suggests often in the funniest moments I'd like to capture). Also it will not reappear for sure after rebooting the device. Then it suddenly works again (sometimes).
Is this a hardware issue with a loose connection from the camera to the board or the camera itself? Is this software related? Someone else who experience this? Any suggestions what to do?
I don't own a Jolla C, but either of your suggestions could be the case (loose connection or software problem). Before any dismantling of your device, I would be tempted to remove the camera application from the device and install again. Removal of the camera needs to be done via Terminal, using the command
Spam Hunter ( 2016-11-23 10:10:48 +0200 )editpkcon remove jolla-camera
and to install, usepkcon install jolla-camera
(I am assuming that jolla C is using the same software as my Jolla1).For me the same issue: After Fiskarsinjoki-update - It started exactly as in your description. For now my main camera permanenty stays black while the front camera works. Camera-software removal and re-installation: negative result. Complete system-reset and test before and after updating to Fiskarsinjoki: negative result. Check for hardware connections: no visible defects... Anyone an idea? - (I´m afraid the hardware of the C is crap.)
valerian ( 2016-11-26 21:35:57 +0200 )editMy Jolla C developed the same problem during this summer (Iijoki, wasn't fixed by updating to Jämsänjoki). Front camera works fine in Whatsapp etc., but main camera doesn't even seem to be an option anymore (first it just complained about not being able to contact it). I'm sort of hovering between trying the whole uninstall-reinstall stuff and just bearing with it until Sailfish X...
Pände ( 2017-08-31 13:54:04 +0200 )edit