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[Bug] Quick scroll feature missing partially [released]

asked 2016-11-23 14:15:48 +0200

Alex gravatar image

updated 2019-08-31 14:32:53 +0200


Since the upgrade to Sailfish OS the native quick scroll feature is missing partially in the landscape view.

Affected devices and versions

I am able to reproduce this issue on my Jolla Tablet and Jolla 1 Phone both running with Sailfish OS

Edit: This is also still reproduceable with Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia XA2.

How to reproduce

  1. Open the native Documents app
  2. Open a PDF document containing several pages
  3. Put your device into landscape
  4. Now quickly scroll up and downwards inside the document
  5. Result: The quick scroll bar will appear on the right while scrolling down. But on scrolling up the quick scroll bar won't appear. On some applications the quick scroll feauture is missing completely in landscape mode (e.g. the togher.jolla.com app).
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The question has been closed for the following reason "released in a software update" by Alex
close date 2019-11-01 12:18:05.645726


I can confirm this:
In landscape orientation, the quick scroll arrows ...

  1. do not appear, when scrolling upwards.
  2. after a while, they do not appear at all (i.e., for both directions) until the next reboot!
    Supposedly restarting Lipstick is sufficient (or even just closing the affected app; I don't remember).

Tested on a Jolla 1 with SFOS versions up to and including 2.2.1.

P.S. While 2. is an additional, likely related issue, I cannot tell exactly when either one or both occurred the first time. But definitely for long, so "since SFOS 2.0.5" sounds plausible to me.

olf ( 2019-08-31 16:16:59 +0200 )edit

Confirmed on Jolla Phone with SFOS

Pohli ( 2019-09-01 08:12:52 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2016-11-23 15:39:51 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Thank you for the report, this is now reported to our developer team.

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@jiit (and / or @Damien Caliste ), can you consequently please mark this issue as "Tracked by Jolla", so it is not forgotten, again.

olf ( 2019-08-31 17:44:15 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-11-23 15:13:08 +0200

updated 2019-11-01 12:17:30 +0200

Alex gravatar image

Edit: This has been fixed with Sailfish OS 3.2.0.x (changelog).

I agree, and it is reproducible.

This is due to the toolbar presence in landscape. In file /usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/private/QuickScroll.qml, the quick scroll item is allowed only if flickable.height >= Screen.width, which is not the case in landscape due to the toolbar presence.

@pvuorela, what do you think, is it better to patch sailfish-office or to relax a bit the allowing condition in Silica ? In fact, for the tablet for instance, even with the toolbar visible, there is still enough screen estate to display the quick scroll item.

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&& Screen.category >= Screen.Large?

coderus ( 2019-08-31 14:57:55 +0200 )edit

@Damien Caliste and @pvuorela, please fix this in Silica (i.e., not in Sailfish-Office), as other apps are affected, too.
Spontaneously the file-chooser of Editor. comes to my mind, but there also are multiple other affected apps.

olf ( 2019-08-31 16:26:01 +0200 )edit

Yea, good point. The quickscroll is supposed to be deactivated when it doesn't make sense, e.g. the scrolled content is just a little more than the displayed area. However now landscape needing full height available feels indeed too strict, and with toolbar surprising that the visibility of quickscroll changes so easily.

Pekka Vuorela ( 2019-09-02 15:52:57 +0200 )edit

It is not (only) "landscape needing full height available" in landscape orientation (supposing "full height" addresses the height of portrait orientation, which is the width in landscape orientation; that does not seem to make sense, anyway).

There definitely is a another bug:
The quick scroll bar is sometimes displayed when scrolling quickly in SailfishOS' Settings app and third party apps for SailfishOS, but also often not (yes, I am definitely scrolling quickly enough for it to be shown).
Plus the Documents app exhibits this strange "quick scroll bar is shown when scrolling down, but never when scrolling up" issue, although I have to admit to rarely scroll upwards quickly over large distances in other apps.
OTOH, maybe some of these effects are really app specific.

olf ( 2019-09-02 20:00:24 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2016-11-23 14:15:48 +0200

Seen: 467 times

Last updated: Nov 01 '19