[][][Bug] Gstreamer streaming buffering issues
After the update of Gstreamer to 1.8 it somehow keeps stuttering more and more on video streams. It seems like it keeps playing 2 seconds, buffers for a second and repeats that again and again. Downloading the video (in this case youtube) and starting playback even if the download is still going on plays the file nicely without buffering issues.
Made a small demonstration video(ironically stored on youtube) and hope this will be addressed soon. https://youtu.be/g5QS6-dv3kQ
edit: Still have that problem on occassionally on some Youtube Streams. (especially camera review videos or those with higher bitrates)
edit: shows no improvement.
I have also problems with videos. However not excactly the same, on my phones and apps only the sound is cracking / stuttering, the video itself seems fine.
soloist ( 2016-12-07 20:15:10 +0200 )pretty much the same problem here since the last update.
FrederikF ( 2016-12-19 01:26:57 +0200 )i experience this only sometimes in video, gif heavy invironments, only solution is to restart homescreen using utilities, that must clear out image and video cashe.
DarkTuring ( 2017-01-15 03:39:39 +0200 )in order to play rtp streams more smoothly, gstreamer should be upgraded to 1.10.5 (especially plugins-good)
lpr ( 2017-11-13 13:25:32 +0200 )