Spare parts for Jolla C / Intex Aqua Fish?
Are there any spare parts available and easily replaceable for the Jolla C / Intex Aqua Fish? For example,
- display
- microphone
- speaker
- battery.
- camera lens
A short disassembly guide @iFixit showing extremely tiny solderings and wires. A separate topics for parts for Jolla Phone and a fleamarket.
It's a phone not meant for Europe so probably nothing will be available here. I asked for the battery and they are too not willing to send one.
Sailor ( 2017-01-15 12:54:58 +0200 )edit^Unfortunately, Intex is not willing to send a spare part microphone to Europe, even if I offered that as a substitute for their warranty obligation.
JoHe ( 2017-01-21 21:25:02 +0200 )editIntex is a brand in india which keeps launching its budget smartphone and forget any responsibility to service a smartphone even if it was bought yesterday
p_pahare ( 2017-01-22 15:23:19 +0200 )editDisplay? no Microhphone? Yes. it's replacable with most phone microphones available for chinese phones Speaker? easy to replace. Battery? nope but there are workarounds available
the first part that will be broken is power button. replacble
soheilbalini ( 2017-01-23 11:39:22 +0200 )editthere seems to be a workaround to use the UMI X2 battery:
jooks ( 2017-04-22 22:02:08 +0200 )edit