Better camera: SFOS Port? Crowdfunding?
I'm looking for a midrange, quality mobile with (very) good camera that runs SFOS. Best devices for this case would be oneplus x or oneplus one afaik. Both of them are 'hard' to buy now, because only used phones are available, which is not really my thing.
Is there a way to get SFOS on recent and good HW a little bit faster? Most ports are for older HW. Maybe with a crowdfunding campaign we could get a port to a new model with good specs and good camera?
I also would like to know, how a port works with updates in general, because I'm just a user of SFOS and have no development skills: if a device is ported one time, will all coming updates be compatible? Or is it more likely that the next official version will crash on this phone and you have to port it again?
Thank you!
No great HW for jolla. Simply too tiny.
Ports needs comstant adjustments or they simple dies. Development is never code once.
Dave999 ( 2017-01-21 16:23:43 +0200 )edit