Display to-do list in notifications screen
If I have set to do something and added a task to the to-do list, then it will make sense if it appears in the notification screen rather than only in the calendar app.
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If I have set to do something and added a task to the to-do list, then it will make sense if it appears in the notification screen rather than only in the calendar app.
Calendar app will display any to-do lists in manage calendars however it will not display any tasks. Yet, in calendar, you can add a event to a to-do list, but this task will not sync to your respective calDAV to-do list, as tasks can not reside in calDAV calendars really. Call it a bug not a feature: Calendar should not display to-do lists at all! As far as I know there is no integrated to-do management in Sailfish (yet).
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Asked: 2017-02-27 11:24:41 +0200
Seen: 1,272 times
Last updated: Mar 12 '18
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