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Understanding df output on Jolla 1 for btrfs filesystems [answered]

asked 2017-03-30 03:24:15 +0200

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updated 2017-03-30 03:24:42 +0200

SebM gravatar image


I'm using a Jolla1 and I have two questions :

Can someone explain the multiple lines of df output for the same /dev/mmcblk0p28 partition ?

$ df -PTh | grep /dev/mmcblk0 | grep /opt
/dev/mmcblk0p28 btrfs   14G  8.9G  4.3G  68% /opt/alien/data
/dev/mmcblk0p28 btrfs   14G  8.9G  4.3G  68% /opt/alien/bin
/dev/mmcblk0p28 btrfs   14G  8.9G  4.3G  68% /opt/alien/sbin
/dev/mmcblk0p28 btrfs   14G  8.9G  4.3G  68% /opt/alien/lib
/dev/mmcblk0p28 btrfs   14G  8.9G  4.3G  68% /opt/alien/usr
/dev/mmcblk0p28 btrfs   14G  8.9G  4.3G  68% /opt/alien/var
/dev/mmcblk0p28 btrfs   14G  8.9G  4.3G  68% /opt/alien/etc
/dev/mmcblk0p28 btrfs   14G  8.9G  4.3G  68% /opt/alien/home
/dev/mmcblk0p28 btrfs   14G  8.9G  4.3G  68% /opt/alien/vendor
/dev/mmcblk0p28 btrfs   14G  8.9G  4.3G  68% /opt/alien/media
/dev/mmcblk0p28 btrfs   14G  8.9G  4.3G  68% /opt/alien/system_jolla

Where are those mount point directories defined in the system ?

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1 Answer

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answered 2017-03-30 10:38:54 +0200

Sthocs gravatar image

Those are bind mount for the Android environment. More explanations here and here.

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@Sthocs In which configuration file or scripts are those binds defined ?

SebM ( 2017-03-30 19:14:30 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2017-03-30 03:24:15 +0200

Seen: 291 times

Last updated: Mar 30 '17